Presidential Race 2016

So, we get to demand his birth certificate, then demand his mother’s birth certificate, then demand a notarized itinerary of her movements to assure us that she put in the proper years in the US, proof the foreign birth was properly registered, then challenge it all anyway all the way up to the Supreme Court just for shits and grins. Ahhhhh, Birthers, revenge is a dish best served cold…

In fairness, Trump is already all over him for it.

Jon Stewart’s quip last night that, if Cruz had attended Hogwarts it would have been the easiest decision the sorting hat ever had to make strikes me as valuable – If a candidate would have been put in Slytherin, he or she is not someone you should vote for.

  1. Trump is like, King of the douches, so fuck him. Let’s just ignore him completely, and hope he dies. Because he is a terrible person, and not worthy of our attention.

  2. Cruz seems to be setting up a campaign not only against democrats, but against moderate republicans… which is pretty terrible, and needs to be smacked down hard. Moderate republicans need to make it a point to get out and vote against this nonsense.

Cruz believes in the Kevin Costner political strategy of if you are pure enough, they will come. Cruz looks at the decline in votes and believes there are a great many conservatives that no longer vote. He can rally them and win by expanding the electorate and ignoring the middle.

I find thos belief and strategy dubious.

Doubly so since his strategy isn’t ignoring the middle, so much as putting those in the middle to torch, and salting their fields.

It’s possible that Cruz thinks he can actually win, but I think he’s in the race simply to pull the other GOP candidates as far to the Right as he can get them. He appears to me to be a True Believer who simply would prefer that the Republicans not sully themselves with compromise.

The Donald does what he does best. Warning for auto play video.

My favorite of the day: Ted Cruz may sign up for Obamacare. But he still hates it, dammit!

Basically, he was previously covered through his wife’s employer, but she’s taken a leave of absence to join him on the campaign trail, so now he has to get his coverage though the government… which means the Exchanges.

So why use the Exchange if he hates it? Can’t he still approach an insurance company and buy insurance, or does the law compel him to go through the Exchange?

I am a grateful ACA user. My insurance is affordable, even if it’s not great insurance – $6K deductible – but at least it covers me if I get hurt or get sick and need ongoing treatment. Chances are I will not need to use it, so the premium doesn’t debilitate me financially. Without the ACA I’d pay more for the same coverage and the insurance company would do everything it could to kick me out of the program if I was seriously ill.

Hm. I think is available. New TLD.

Don’t senators get free healthcare as part of their job?

Nope. They pay for it (rates have likely gone up since that last update in 2012).

People like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin don’t want to actually be president. They have built their identity around being a fighter for hardcore fringe elements against the ruling party. If they were to actually get power, they would have to actually do something instead of going all fire and brimstone and standing up for their “principles” against The Government.

My guess is that similar to his mentor, he is doing this to increase his speaking fees.

Oh, he could buy it directly, but (probably much to his chagrin) the Exchange is what is offered by his employer (the US People) and it would be substantially cheaper than an equivalent plan that he finds on his own.

I imagine that if he can get insurance directly from a non-Obamacare source, he’ll do so because otherwise the press will excoriate him, even if it costs twice as much as an Obamacare option. Either way, the irony-o-meter pegs pretty high.

What is sad is that I honestly cannot tell if that is satire, or his actual published campaign platform materials.

Here’s a pie in the sky idea… Could folks on the internet start a new, moderate conservative movement?

Wouldn’t even need to start a whole new party… instead just organize some sort of coordination to elect moderate republicans or democrats, instead of the extreme edges.

Seems like that would be worthwhile.

I don’t know if it came from an official Ted Cruz campaign source, but I’ve seen it used by supporters on Facebook/Twitter.

You can try as you like but no matter how “moderate” you are, come election time you and your candidate will be a racist sexist anti-science homophobe who hates poor people and kids.

If Santa Claus came out as a Republican, we would have screeds on how giving coal to bad children was racist and anti-environment. He lives at the North Pole, appropriating Inuit heritage. Also, lack of known physics for sleigh indicates an anti-science bias by overweight white-privileged 1%er “magician”.

Poor Republicans. Always getting tarred and feathered over made-up things like opposition to gay marriage, anti-choice campaigns, and support for policies that disadvantage minorities.

It’s true that taking a position that reinforces the status quo is inherently racially & economically (etc) charged when the status quo is so heavily stacked to privilege a certain demographic, but there’s no reason that a real moderate Republican candidate (if there could even be such a thing in today’s political climate) would actually have to succumb to the Fox News-ification of his campaign. (“His” because any Republicans left must be either Sarah Palin or straight white males.)