2013 Acadamy Awards

Three Best Actor Oscars for DDL. That’s never been done before, and he’ll probably rack up one or two more at this rate.

There have been four or five others, depending on how loosely you define “tie.”

I watch the Oscars most years but I am not a huge fan. I generally have not even seen most of the films/actors/actresses nominated in the major categories, this year was no exception. I saw Django Unchained and Skyfall. That said I didnt have a problem with Seth. What I do have a problem with is the same thing that always bugs me, so many shit awards that no one cares about filling up the majority of the 3+ hour telecast. Who gives a fuck about best sound editing? Best short whatever? Best foreign language film? No one. This should be a two hour show, tops.

Well maybe the people, that put in all that effort and hardwork to get nominated appreciate it. Really it’s about more than the top 5 awards as there is a lot of work goes on behind the scenes and those people deserve recognition and award or two.

I want an award for my work too. :(

For over 20 years I’ve participated in an Oscar contest run by one of the guys who also worked at COMPUTE! Magazine. Usually would place in the middle of the pack. Last year, I finally won!

And last night, with 41 participants, I won again. I was shocked.

I called the winner correctly in every category except for Best Supporting Actor. WOW.


How much did you win?

I thought McFarlane was fine, but he seemed to be doing less and less and the show went on. Not sure if that was to make up time or just because someone was beating him down. But while he was doing more than just quickly announcing who the next presenter is, his jokes seemed funny enough. Then again, I am in the Billy Crystal sucks category, and I don’t really care for the Oscars as a whole.

That sound of music gag was pretty good. I thought he did a good job, way more interesting than having a non-comedic person do it.

Though… I can’t help but think how much better someone like Ricky Gervais might be…

hint hint.

K-stew explanatory link.

Also, I think that I am in love with Jennifer Lawrence, officially.

I still miss Johnny Carson. He was grown from a vat to host the Oscars.

Twenty five American dollars! Nachos are on ME!

After seeing this followed by this, I am too.

OMG So cute. A friend told me this on Facebook:

She found out afterward that Hugh Jackman had leapt out of his chair to help her when she fell. She was at first stunned, a little freaked out, and then jubilant that HUGH JACKMAN tried to help her. She’s crazy adorable.

I see that in the GIFs you linked to. Adorable.

I lurves her. She’s the anti-Lohan.

Oh that is too awesome, I love how Jack is all like : “I’ll be waiting!”

To quote a famously awesome asian american actor.

ohh my…

So, the First Lady of the United States delivered the Best Picture award. What a way to consecrate the unholy union, oft-consummated, of Hollywood and Washington, cultural and political hegemony walking hand in hand to a Sousa march.

After this and her dancing presentation on some American show I came across a few days ago, I wonder: is this what passes for statesmanship these days? I’m not asking that the First Lady be self-effacing, but I’m expecting a lot more dignity out of the office, which means a little more Eleanor Roosevelt and a lot less Oprah Winfrey.

Also: “I would argue, though, the actor who really got inside Lincoln’s head was John Wilkes Booth.”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I always found MacFarlane crude beyond belief, but that one was good.

… what?

Oh don’t mind him. Hardcore Republicans are falling all over themselves to suggest that the First Lady presenting the Academy Award for Best Picture signals the apocalypse. As if they held Hollywood in high regard already.

Get those fainting couches ready, because there’s a lot of people who are yelling “Why, I do declare…” and fanning themselves feverishly over this.

Oh, and this.

Reagan Appears at the Oscars
A star in his own right, Ronald Reagan made a cameo at the 53rd Academy Awards in 1980 with a video address to the audience; Reagan is known for his role in the Oscar-nominated KINGS ROW (1942).

Oh, and here’s First Lady Laura Bush in a cameo in a video that ran during the 2002 Academy Awards. (at about 2:15)

Er. I’m not a Hardcore Republican. I’m not even American. I couldn’t care less about the political orientation of the people who dismiss her, but I’ll just point out that the left too has been denouncing the cozy relationship between Washington policy makers and Hollywood, to wit:

Last year’s program copped to the death of Hollywood cinema-as-art. All that was left was looking backward over a once-hallowed institution and weeping over the corpse. This year, though, the tears have dried. What we see instead is a clear vision of the utility of cinema. The 85th Academy Awards, like no show before it, will elevate films that are openly ideological, weaponized tools of the state.