2017 Frame Game

Wow, I don’t remember Amiga’s drives being that loud or load times being that long. Guess my memory really is selective about the golden age of gaming.

Lets try this

Katamari Damacy, or should I say Katamaridamashii, since this is a Japanese screenshot (showing off, here!).

Sudden Strike 2? (Did that even have boats?)

Well technically no, but it is Beautiful Katamari which I am going to give to you because there is no real way to tell from a screenshot.

You tricky bastard!


I have a reputation apparently ;)

Admittedly one that I find especially hilarious since I effectively haven’t played any console games since about 2010, other than occasionally busting out some old games (about once or twice a year). But we have some real wierdos here who have this love for games for such odd systems as the C64, or Amiga. Who even heard of the Amiga? So I balance out for those old farts by pulling console games apparently :P

I’m a little amazed to realize this is true for me as well, except for a couple of PS3 and X360 “exclusives” that eventually wound up on PC years later via Steam.

I find this really disadvantages me here. Though we had a monochromatic IBM compatible when I was a little kid with a few educational games on it, my gaming experience was purely NES/SNES/Master System/Genesis until I got my first gaming-capable Windows PC in 1996. I never really backfilled any of the classics from the previous era, aside from a handful of shareware DOS titles I played until I got my first 3D graphics card in '98 or so.

It’s not even always that, I did have an Apple ][e starting in like 92, and we got a Windows XP machine when that came out. Which would have been my Junior year of high school, so I did play a number from that era, mostly sims and RTS. But the Amiga, C64, and whatever the hell those loopy Brits play, I never even heard of for another decade. My first exposure to the C64 came from a Loading Ready Run skit, of all things.

So whenever Gordon or Geggis puts something up I know I have a 0% chance of even hearing of the game, let alone playing it. Just kind of how it is.

Not that I’m complaining you guys, just pointing out that a lot of you are old farts who played on systems that, effectively, never released in my area.

http://www.winuae.net/ - Begin today :-)

It took me time to figure Craig handled it to me - poor attention today!


Einstein / E-Motion?

Nope,n ot at all… which isn’t very rewarding because I think that was a very nice guess.

Is that a Star Control 2 cut scene?

No, nothing sneaky like a cutscene.

Something screams Amiga on this one…nothing I ever played though.

Wild guess: Pang?

Windows 3.1 bubble screensaver?

Did I hear somebody asking for more bubbles?