2017: Whither Democrats?

I’m not saying there’s anything to this but I saw a shitload of black tinted buses coming back from the East last night. They drove through LA, likely on their way to Mexico. Probably thousands of illegal voters sent to PA just for this election.

I wouldn’t put it past today’s GOP to try to illegally steal an election via voter fraud. It definitely should be looked into, and the perpetrators strung up by their buster browns.

A big part of the folks who think that there was fraud?

People in Pennsylvania who didn’t realize that this was only for the 18th district, and that they don’t live in the district.

So they went out to vote, their polling place was closed, and they were like, “SHENANIGANS!”

In reality, they were just dumb.

From the horse’s mouth:

I’m half expecting Malathor to ride into this thread crowing about triggered liberals after their big win last night.

We Have Always Been At War With Saccone.

White House spokesman Shah said the White House wouldn’t comment officially beyond that. He called the result “lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”

“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus,” he said. “Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit 2018.”

Shah said that "Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.’

Seems like a strange strategy to me from the WH and GOP here… do you really want to be giving a subtle green light to your voters that it is ok to pull the lever for the Democrat?

This is Trump-ism in a nutshell. You absolutely can not lose, ever. So if you have to sacrifice your dignity or the long-term health of the party, that’s what you do to appear to have not lost today.

Rational leaders would admit to taking a hit today, but that it was close and that it shows they have some work to do to demonstrate their accomplishments this Fall. Then they’d start working on recruiting non terrible candidates.

But Trump-ism says you have to not only say you didn’t lose, but you have to live in that world, so there are no lessons to learn and no changes necessary.

No hugging, no learning.


To @triggercut’s point about PA-18 messaging and retirements.

I am anticipating another round of announcements.

And the DCCC is using last night’s results to push hard on recruiting potential candidates in other leans-R districts to step on up.

His new district in PA is a Cook PVI “Leans D”

House GOP members are running…for the exits.

So what are these rumors I’m hearing about allegations made by the GOP crowd of irregularities? Do they have a real chance of prevailing?

To have an actual chance in a court of law they have to prove something. This is all just posturing for the die hards who need to hear that the only reason they lost is because the other side cheated.

And also that they didn’t actually lose because Lamb is a Republican because reasons.

PS - get used to seeing tweets about “rumors of voting irregularities.” That will be the automatic response any time a Republican candidate loses from now until eternity.

I understand they idea that Lamb was kind of Republican… But more like old, reasonable ones. Not like the current party.

And honestly, some of the populist stuff that he agreed with Trump on, like tariffs?

That’s because tariffs are traditionally bad ideas from the Democrats.

Lamb supported the ACA, and criticized the tax cut which is literally the only thing the GOP has accomplished. The fact that he doesn’t hate guns and God doesn’t make him not a Democrat… It just means the caricature of Democrats as hating guns and good isn’t accurate.

If he is not a racist, sexist, homophobic Nazis loving anti-world fascist… seems like not a bad choice to me.

It’s the health care, stupid.*

[T]hrowing out [Obamacare] isn’t what the western Pennsylvania district’s voters want, according to a survey released Wednesday by Public Policy Polling. Overall, 44% of voters said they supported Obamacare — formally known as the Affordable Care Act — while 42% oppose it. And voters disapproved of the GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare by 14 points.

Numbers like that have translated into a boost for Lamb, according to PPP. Voters said Lamb better reflected their views on health care by seven points (45% to 38%) over Saccone.

* (handy footnote for millenials)