2017: Whither Democrats?

Seriously? Activism isn’t limited to one’s home precinct, you know.

Here’s your local volunteer form.

Why are you being snide with him when the guy is asking for advice on how he can help? Obviously he’s aware it’s not limited to his precinct, that’s why he’s asking!

I wasn’t being snide. I genuinely wasn’t sure if he was serious about political activism. It can be quite a commitment.

If so, there are tons of local opportunities (admittedly, I’m surprised at the implication that your home precinct matters). The link I provided is a decent way to get started in Washington State.

Sorry I misread your tone!

I look for good omens everywhere, and I found one this morning: a canvasser for the Democratic Party knocked on my door. I’ve lived here 20 years, and I’ve never had a Democratic canvasser show up before.

The stupidest timeline.

See, we’re in a place where if I was forced to choose between Trump and Avenanti, it wouldn’t even be close. It’d be shady lawyer dude every day of the week.

But I’d probably take a totally random guy off the street over Avenanti.

Heh. Well said.

I mean that can’t be serious, right? But then again, America elected a reality show con man as President so…

Every midwestern or nothern plains state Republican Governor who’s expecting to coast to re-election in 2018, go ahead and take a step forward.

Eh, not so fast there, Walker.

The bell, it tolls for thee.

Same poll: 34% of Wisconsinites believe Walker deserves re-election. Which is probably sub-optimal for him.

Smart people throwing water:

Feingold was up big on Ron Johnson. That didn’t turn out well. :/

Interesting take on Governors. First the raw data:

The Top 10 most popular governors are all Republicans.

And Kevin Drum’s ‘quick take’ (aka lazy analysis as he himself describes it:)


As Drum notes, this could be a problem for future presidential candidates. Drum lists some possible reasons for this, and these two sound right (not backed by data or anything though. I’m really disheartened that Sununu (NH) is at 61%.)

  • Republicans really hate Democrats and when Republicans respond to polls they virtually all disapprove of Democratic governors no matter how they’re doing.
  • Democrats whine and moan about their Democratic governors more than Republicans do about their Republican governors. Republicans tend to coalesce around their governors more than Democrats do

And yet:

Dems are gonna make hay in the gubernatorials in 2018 and 2020. Kevin Drum’s lazy analysis looks a lot like lazy concern trolling.

That miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight be why Nate Cohn is calling out that poll for not weighting for education. :)

It is rather sloppy of them not to do that after the lessons of 2016 on a poll of Wiscy. I’ve read a lot of polling postmortems from folks who think polling errors in rust belt states were largely related to either a failure to weight on education or improper weighting on it.

Probably? But I think Drum’s point is rather that if a presidential candidate bench is seeded from Governors, the Republicans have more popular ones than Democrats.

Still, the number of states listed by Ented poised for a D takeover is impressive.

Yeah. The national polling was within margins of error but the Mid-West ones were, well, we know.

The analysis wasn’t about who is going to win. It was simply an observation that current Dem governors are tightly clustered in the middle of the pack in terms of popularity. The most popular and least popular governors are all Republican. He wrote a few guesses as to why.

I’m not sure that poll has much meaning when it comes to potential as Presidential candidates. Polling people in all 50 states about a single governor about whom most of those people know next to nothing is going to produce some very hollow results. The moment one of the ‘popular’ governors becomes a Presidential candidate, the bottom will fall out of those numbers as people are exposed to a good deal more about who that governor is and what the governor stands for. It always does.

That’s about as deep a dive as you’re going to find on each of the 42 Republican-held but open House seats in the 2018 mid-terms.

I think the poll was how popular the governor was in their own state.

Probably true. It’s only tangentially related, and just a point that Drum tacked on at the end.

Look, I have always voted against him, but the Foxconn deal has not played well at all in the rural communities. I have heard plenty of my extended family members from the rural areas of the state (albeit, the more purple southwest part of the state) think that the 3 billion in tax cuts to a foreign company is bad, and that more jobs near the illinois border certainly won’t help the state grow economically. We have lagged behind MN for most of Walker’s terms.

He bills himself as the “education governor” in a new political ad, but small town schools have been struggling for funding throughout the state.

People from Arena certainly don’t care what the hell you call yourself, they lost their public school. He may have signed an aid bill for small schools, but it wasn’t enough for them.

The funny thing is, republican concepts of governance often directly conflict with the issues surrounding rural voters. Based on the more recent polls, Walker is probably seen as a “big business” republican who has forgotten the rural communities. That definitely doesn’t work.

I am not going to completely trash the Foxconn deal, I think it was stupid and we gave up too much, but if it all works out as hoped, it will be a huge boon to the WI economy. But I don’t think there is enough guarantee it will happen. And any large positive effects won’t be felt for a decade or so. So, I guess Kudos to Scott Walker for looking beyond the next term in setting a deal that is not a political winner, but it might cost him.

That photo with the arrested Russian informant isn’t a good look either.