2017: Whither Democrats?

If the answer to “2017: Whither Democrats?” were “PUNCHING NAZIS ERRYDAY” I would feel way better about my country.

In which there is no room for Nazis.

I don’t remember anyone standing up during Blues Brothers and saying, “Hey, that’s not cool! Those Nazis are just demonstrating peacefully!”

It’s almost like we’ve lost sight of the fact that PUNCHING NAZIS ERRYDAY is a pretty good raison d’etre for any group of people, from village to hyperpower.

The greatest generation of Americans literally became the greatest by punching Nazis.

There’s a whole bunch of Nazis who’ve descended on Charlottesville, Virginia tonight. Probably just need a good teaching moment though.

I love these subjects where you’re like, “Am I agreeing with him? I think I am, but it feels so wrong.”

Reminds me of a Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me episode where IIRC it was (known counterrevolutionary) PJ O’Rourke talking about Hillary vs Trump (ah, remember the days!) and he said (paraphrasing):

“She’s wrong about everything. But she’s wrong within normal parameters.”

Apparently Party City or Lowe’s must’ve had a nice sale on tiki torches. Perfect for the discriminating suburban neo-nazi.

I can see there’s no percentage in being the voice of reason. Strap on the brass knuckles and get to work, you baddest of asses!

Go put on your black man suit and try to talk to them. Please report back with your findings.

The dudes in that photo appear to be very economically anxious.

I admit I am impressed. I don’t know how you jump back and forth between your position on the moral high ground and your bloodlust so quickly without hurting yourself.

Not willing to do it huh? Yeah, I hate Nazis. I’m fine with the world knowing that. Funny how mass genocide can lead to that.

I don’t know what kind of duel of the wits you think we’re engaging in here. I’ll freely admit that I could easily antagonize a white supremacist into beating me down. Now what?

You don’t have to antagonize them if you’re the wrong color. You just have to exist.

And therefore we should beat them up. Am I doing it right?

I suspect you have a choice when it comes to engaging Nazis. The rest of us do not. It’s easy to sit back and watch when you’re not the target. These people lost their rights when they decided only the parts of society they deem is pure should be allowed to exist.

If you want to defend Nazis, go ahead. I plan on shutting them down before they mass kill again, not after.

I bet the moustache guy spends every morning, razor in hand, trying to work up his courage to go for the full Adolph.

Oh sweet, I don’t even need to be here. You just put whatever words you like into this vaguely me-shaped object and score your internet points. And then go put the smackdown on some Nazis. Or don’t, I’m not really clear what the point of all this was. I’ll just go on not hitting people I don’t like in the face maybe. I’m funny that way.

Go ahead and hit whoever you like in the face if that’s what you want to do. I’m limiting my aggression to exactly what I have said and what others have said, to Nazis. Literal fucking Nazis.

Well now you’re not even reading what I wrote. I’m not the one here advocating smacking people around. Anyway this discussion is obviously not even a discussion, I’m out.