2018 Frame Game

It is not.

I know which game it is (and I plan on playing it one day), but because I googled it. So I’m disqualified. ;)

If there are no guesses by tomorrow, I’d say go ahead and post the title.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided?



Nyet. Man, I obviously picked an obscure one. Probably doesn’t help that I didn’t choose a shot with any iconic element.

There is an iconic element there. Just not a very obvious one.

Sure; if you’ve played it :)

If I had any idea what game involved nanophages then I’d guess it, but I am fresh out of such ideas.


Damn you for making me look at this like I’d be looking at some HOG screen.

didn’t find the tassel :(

Not Soma. I’ll give it a few more hours for more folks to trickle in and then it may be on you, @rhamorim, to give it up!

Yes sir. I’m on call. Just let me know ;)

System Shock remaster?

Not System Shock.

Alright @rhamorim, I think you’ve gotta do this.

OK. I might be wrong, but I think it’s >observer_.

You are correct! I have no more images to post, since the last one I posted was the full frame. Take it away!

Hey, I saved you from shame. The least you can do is share what you think of >observer_. ;)