2018 Frame Game

Its dynamix’ red baron!

It is Red Baron!


Tricked you, teehee!

Fuck yea! Screen up later today, gotta get a nice one :)

Yeah as soon as the guns were shown I knew exactly what it was. Played the sequel a ton back in the day.

Allright, in keeping with the theme, and today’s rather important date (100th armistice anniversary) let me say Never Again (or was we’d say in dutch: dat doen we godverdomme niet nog een keer)

Battlefield 1?

quick on the draw, but nope

This sums up most of my duel attempts in RDR2. :D

Wings over Flanders Fields?

Close but no dice…

Rise of Flight?

Dawn Patrol

Let’s venture into the bizarre, especially for such a flight sim purist: World of Warplanes!

hell no lol! Actually one of the guesses was really close…

Battlefield 5?

Unless the other half of the screen has the games’ title in big honking letters, it aint gonna get much clearer than this.

Unbelievable that you guys can guess a twenty year old japanese import to a console you had to wire the parts together yourself from three pixels and something that’s from 2018 has you all stumped!

Well, I have the plane type right XD

And that counts for a lot lol but the plane pr0n thread isthat way ->

Well there’s your problem! I know the plane type as well, but haven’t played any games from 2018 ;)