2018 Government Shutdown Thread

I won’t excuse Bush for 9/11 (which was largely responsible for the depth of the economic slump following the dotcom meltdown) when the major distinction between Bush’s foreign policy and Gore’s proposals was Bush’s discounting the threat of terrorism. Can’t prove a counterfactual, but I still believe that if the Supreme Court hadn’t intervened in the election, 9/11 would’ve been prevented.

Even if they somehow disrupted that particular plot, I think it still happens, just maybe on a different date.

So it looks like Senate Democrats will get to vote on DACA after all.

Will be interesting to see what happens after this gets vetoed.

It won’t get that far. No way it gets a vote in the House.

I don’t know. I don’t think House Republicans want to take credit for Dreamers not getting taken care of. Now it could certainly be the case they approve a very different bill and the two houses can’t come to a consensus. But this bill is pretty innocuous and they could take some heat if they sit on their hands and do nothing.

So the Dems are trading DACA for Trump getting the money he wants for his wall?

$25B for border security seems absurd. Over how long a period?

10 years. $2.5B next year.

I have heard it argued that the Border Patrol doesn’t believe in the wall, but that they do believe in technology and that, along with more agents, would go along way in tightening the border.

$25b would buy a lot of both.

Why are we so concerned about immigrants fleeing south across the border, anyway?

$25bn would also buy a lot of food stamps, but that’s neither here nor there.

Well, Mexico has complained about Americans fleeing south to escape Trump. I heard the president of Mexico said he would get America to pay for a wall.