2020 Match 1 of The Resistance: Avalon

I’m interested in @cuthbert’s vote.

As in, why vote yes?

I thought we were going for the possible double fail?

Also frankly, I don’t put much stock in the first two missions, we’ll pass one and fail one, in all likelihood.

That’s fair, I was just curious about your reasoning.

My first thought was to pick jorn and snebmi together, but we really don’t know much about jorn. So while I tend towards trusting snebmi, if something sneaky is going on jorn is in the ideal position to fail the mission. So I’m going to play it safe for now and skip both.

Continuing the backwards thing means I propose myself, craigm and scottagibson. @Lantz

Hmmm interesting. Will ponder that a bit.

I see where you’re coming from on not knowing if you can trust me. Interesting choice of team.

If we’re hunting for a good team, I don’t see how we leave Snebmi off.

Nevermind, I managed to mistake one of the names. I agree leaving Snebmi off is strange.

It may be that I’m too used to Secret Hitler, where avoiding a conflict is often a sensible plan early on.

Anyway, I’ll give more reasoning after the vote. Can’t promise it’ll be good reasoning though: I chose my team at 4am after about 4 hours’ sleep. :)

Edit: by avoiding a conflict I mean not picking someone who is in one.

I did not enjoy my one and only game of Secret Lantz. Just FYI. :)

Proposed Team 1B:
@rho21 <- leader

All Players Please Vote (If you haven’t already):
@rowe33 Strong Leader

Team 1B:
@rho21 <- leader

Team 1B Vote Results:
@caseyrobinson - Yes
@rho21 - Yes
@rowe33 - Yes
@knightsaber - No
@cuthbert - Yes
@soondifferent - No
@scottagibson - No
@craigm - No
@jorn_weines - Yes
@snebmi - Yes

Mission is a go 6-4. Team members please send me your success/failure votes.

Ha, got to love a team when casey, jorn, and snebmi all approve of it.

Certainly an alarming development.

More later (shutting up now until after the mission goes) but this is utterly fascinating. 2 of 3 team members voted no.

Go home team, you’re drunk.

facepalm gif goes here

My days of being confused on the meta are certainly coming to a middle.

It isn’t me! I put in my PM hours ago.