2020 Quarterlies! Vote for Qt3's Best Game of 2020: "Ok, let's get down to it, boppers!"

Let me advocate for MS Flight Simulator 2020 then. You should vote for that, because, you see, they recreated the whole planet. Flight Simulator needs your vote to win the quarterlies!

You don’t need to have played it to acknowledge that amazing achievement and to vote for it!

List in progress but I’m sad no one has voted for Phasmophobia.

This is why I won’t be able to play it, let alone vote for it:

Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op…

It would be in my top 10 and might push into next year’s top 5 if it continues growing through early access.

I picked this up on a whim, and really liked the unique concept, but just haven’t gotten back to it. I also picked up a very strange, but addictive game called Don’t Feed the Monkeys, which is about um surveillance? And there was another weird one where you edit together a television broadcast from a dystopian reality (that is not ours) in real time. There were some unique gems this year.

Also, it looks like Tom is right about Fenyx. I just started messing around with it last night, and it is fabulous. I won’t be far enough in to slot it in my list by the time polls close, but at this point it looks like it would make it in.

Reading through this thread, noticed a couple of errors for @arrendek:

“Fey Tactics” = Fae Tactics
“Gear Tactics” = Gears Tactics

Let me know if this is superfluous.

Thanks for seeing those. I fixed the instance of “Fey” from my list.

Most of this is very familiar. My games (due to old computer) mostly were old favorites for the first part of the year, and then all old Switch games since Christmas. So the only 202 releases for me were board games.

That said I have been talking my wife through Animal Crossing, she played I watch and occasionally look things up, and I bought Hades in the eshop sale. Haven’t played it yet, but I might have some time with it before the voting closes.

Thanks! I usually catch these and make them synonyms with the actual name so the vote will still count correctly. I did miss Fey Tactics but I believe that was the only vote anyways so it wouldn’t have mattered. I appreciate the look through though. I’ll post the alphabetical list of games towards the end so that a few people other than myself can review and look for misspelled duplicates.

You might have caught it already, but Desperados 3 / III will need to be synonyms.

Yeah, I picked that one up. :) I can drop the alphabetical list here now if you guys want to get an early jump on it, but I think I’ve already dealt with the existing issues.

One thing I really appreciate is watching out for people posting their picks with incorrect formatting and helping them correct it. :)


  1. Half Life: Alyx was spectacular and unforgettable, and which showed the true potential of VR
  2. Paradise Killer, more a visual novel than full-blown detective game, opens with incredible confidence in its setting, and leaves you trying to catch up for the first couple of hours. But very much worth putting in the effort, revealing a story and setting with much to think about.
  3. Lair of the Clockwork God, a (genuinely!) funny platformer / point and click adventure hybrid
  4. Cyberpunk 2077 - I’ve really enjoyed my time with this so far, but have put it on hold until a few dozen patches will hopefully have solved the technical problems with it, to savour the game as it was meant. I can’t disagree with any of Tom’s points in his review, but have enjoyed it more as a blockbuster movie kind of experience.
  5. There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension throws a hundred ideas at you in its attempt to stop you from playing it

Honourable mentions:

  • Hades - I generally hate the repetition of roguelikes, but this had enough charm to keep me hooked until I escaped hell (once, at least)
  • Immortals: Fenyx Rising - very Zelda BOTW, but that’s no bad thing
  • Star Wars: Squadrons - amazing in VR: if you’ve ever wanted to be inside a Star Wars movie, this is the closest you’ll likely get
  • A Monster’s Expedition - a more chilled out Steven’s Sausage Roll

I wouldn’t have caught this but your recommendation made me look it up! Cheers.

Will do!

Ah, damn, I meant to include Half Life: Alyx. Is it too late to change votes?

Nope; the script will auto-update results so long as you are updating your first post in the thread that contains rankings.

Yes, changing votes is fine.