2023 Video Game Frame Game - All Games and Frames Welcome!

Aer? Except the colour palette is wrong for that, I think.

Interesting guess, but it’s not Aer. I guess I’ll post the second screenshot already:

No guesses? Next frame time! This one should make things much easier…

Darksiders 1 ?

That does look rather like War from Darksiders 1, same with the minimap too. So, I would say Lordkosc’s chances of being correct are pretty high.

Of course. The “Warmastered Edition”, to be precise. :)

I bought my first XBox 360 gamepad for PC in 2010 specifically to play this game, and I’m glad I did, because it was a fantastic experience. I also had never played any Zelda games (never had access to Nintendo consoles), so it was a novel experience in so many different ways. I caught myself remembering parts of it recently, but I’m playing other stuff at this time, so I grabbed someone else’s screenshot for this.

Your turn, @lordkosc !

Woah. I’ve played through that. When I saw the “LB + LT”, I was sure I’d never played a game that used that combination of button presses, but I guess I was wrong.

@lordkosc Poke. You’re up.

Oh yeah! I forgot. :)

Tiny Civilizations! I just picked that one up.

Tiny Civ it is! Congrats @vinraith

Steam user image because I can’t make it past the 1900’s due to war and mah people starving.

I can believe it. I only just got started but I’m 1) very impressed and 2) utterly hopeless.

OK, new frame:

I pulled out a win, but that era was tough!

Perhaps a little more, to get things moving.

That texture looks a bit like a frog face, but I suspect it isn’t meant to.


Realms of the Haunting?


King’s Field?

None of the above so far.

Pareidolia’s a hell of a drug, isn’t it?

Ultima Underworld 2? Probably not. Pretty sure this is a modern game with a retro aesthetic, but I could be wrong.