2024 also has plenty of WTF?!?!? moments.

I initially read that as “LA”, i.e. the city, and was like wtf? But then I read it again and it made sense.

Rolls Royce Submarines wanted to upgrade their intranet platform. The firm that won the contract outsourced to Belarusian software engineers and tried to hide it.

The inquiry discovered that the firm that outsourced the work – on a staff intranet for nuclear submarine engineers – to Russia and Belarus initially kept it secret and discussed whether it could disguise where the workers were based by giving them fake names of dead British people.

Isn’t this like a criminal conspiracy?

Seems like. And over Teams, with transcription enabled. So, yes, they did the thing.


“Hey, let’s outsource this top secret, nuclear submarine software to Putin-ally Belarus! What could possibly go wrong?!?!?1”

The only thing surprising about any of this is that people are surprised.

Yeah but on the other hand, they are cheap!

OK then.

" * Empty RAM slots can be unsightly, dummy RAM can fill the gaps if you can’t get the right RAM combination."


I have so many real books they fill up the basement and the garage. The idea of someone having to buy fake books is mind-boggling in the extreme.

Seriously. Like the value of a large book collection isn’t that it makes people think you’re smart or well rounded because you have them, it’s because you read them.

So having fake books won’t make me think better of you, in fact once I see that I’ll actually think worse because the dishonest pretentiousness of it.

I’ve been in someone’s house with a wall of books that were all fake leather bounds.

They had title names on them so I pulled Great Gatsby off the shelf to read the opening sentence and discovered the entire book was blank.

It was such a fitting on the noise tell for the people who’s house I was in I couldn’t help laughing out loud. Fortunately they didn’t take notice and I put it back and pulled a couple more randomly just to confirm this was in fact an entire “library” of fakes and it was.

Did the whole place smell of rich mahogany?

It was classic Dallas Mcmansion.

edit: err correction, it was actually Ft Worth. The mindset though definitely gave me a Dallas vibe.

The dumbest thing is that I bet that fake copy of the great Gatsby probably cost as much as an actual copy would have.

Only 64Gb?! Truly I am surrounded by the ‘hoi polloi’.

Leather-bound. Probably costs more than 99% of real editions.

Very few things could drop my respect for someone more than finding a full library of fake books. Some people don’t like reading and that’s fine, but pretending you care while don’t even bothering to get the real articles is mind boggling. A real collection to sit unread wouldn’t be any more expensive and at least would entertain guests?

Yeah, generally if I’m visiting a McMansion, at some point probably very early on, I’m going to retreat to the library and say to myself, “OMG. They have a library! I’m saved!”

Imagine the depth of my defeat when I find a book, make myself comfortable in the wingback chair, open that book and find empty pages. Cosmic horror.

This is especially dumb, because I guarantee you can get way more than 9 books for 35$ at a used bookstore.