2024 also has plenty of WTF?!?!? moments.

I mean, his gross negligence killed the patient. Almost seems like he should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. How much if the guys over did he take out? If he took all if it. Any teenager in science knows you can’t live without that organ.

IANAMP (medical professional) but I believe unlike on TV most staff have very little agency to question what’s going on under a surgeon, not to mention only the surgeon is seeing what’s going on.

I had thought that in modern laparoscopy they were broadcasting the camera feed to a monitor that other folks in the room could see, so they’re more aware of what’s going on and can help more, but maybe that’s not always the case. My participation in my own surgery was pretty limited.

This actually reminded me of when I had surgery though, because in the pre-op, the nurses were there getting me prepped or whatever, and the surgeon came in and was explaining what was going to happen. One of the nurses was like, “aren’t you going to mark what side we’re working on?”

The surgeon kind of shrugged and said, “sure, gimme the pen,” and marked my abdomen. I could tell he was like, “I ain’t gonna operate in the wrong side.” Afterwards I found out he’s a really well respected surgeon in the area, so it’s cool that I got him, but hell, getting that one wrong world have been a lot more understandable than this case, and much less catastrophic.

Clearly a power balance problem in the OR

Medical Malpractice cases where the result was serious harm or death and the circumstances were seemingly this open and shut used to be fairly rare (thankfully), like “once in a career as an attorney if even then” kind of rare. Sadly, I know an attorney who has now had TWO cases like this (serious preventable medical errors resulting in death or irreparable harm where it was completely obvious mistakes were made) in just the last three years.

America’s healthcare system is coming apart at the seams. Private equity, mismanagement, profits above all, understaffing, undertraining, unsafe conditions in hospitals and the move in general from quality of care to quantity of care all while the largest generation ever has hit 60+ means doctors, nurses and hospitals are overwhelmed, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Stories like this poor man’s are going to become more common unfortunately.

This just gets worse. Florida has a free kill law where they limit who can sue for malpractice so fewer doctors would leave the state. Yes that’s right… Florida wants to retain the worst doctors. So the children of this man will not be able to sue the surgeon, just his wife.

Well, I’ll happily thank Florida for keeping them all there.

sad working-in-the-largest-healthcare-organization-in-north-florida noises

Ah, so it’s your fault!

there goes the neighborhood

Judge Kathleen Ryan of Oakland County, Michigan (in the Detroit area) has been removed from the bench for racist comments caught on tape.

“If you’re an American Black person, you’re a f&^%ing lazy piece of s***.”

“I’m not systematically racist. I’m a new racist.”

What does that last bit even mean? That just seems like plain ol’ racism.

No, no, it’s new, improved racism! Now with 20% more outright bigotry and 50% more spite!*

*When measured against our competitors, the old racists!

It means she doesn’t understand what systemic racism is.

It’s not systemic, it’s personal .

Well, she’s right about that part. What she expressed isn’t systemic racism. She’s overtly and personally racist, as BloodyBattleBrain notes. So maybe she does know what “systemic racism” means. I just don’t get the “new” part.

Well, yes, her personally being racist isn’t the same as systemic racism. But saying she, personally, isn’t “systematically racist” sure sounds like some who’s heard the phrase and is now using it incorrectly because she doesn’t actually know what it means. Much like “DEI”, “CRT”, “woke”, “free speech”, etc. as used by all these chuds.

(Chris Rufo certainly knows what they mean, but the shitty people he’s programming to reflexively hate the terms absolutely do not.)


That’s she’s saying it while engaged as a cog of the system is just the cherry on the shit sundae.

It’s just a weird statement on many levels.

The “best” interpretation is:
“This isn’t the system being racist, this is me, personally being racist, because I’m a racist.
Which is… a statement to make, I guess.

It’s kind of amazing in the shittiest way possible.

“The system isn’t racist, it’s just full of racists that it lets do whatever they want, like me.”

Sounds like a pretty racist system to me.

4 years to rebuild it. ETA: 2028