That is a lot of tenet videos
It’s like the stock market, it’s hard to keep up as it accelerates. Seems like we only hit a Billion a couple of cycles ago. 300M in a month is crazy.
It’s one-and-a-half Tenets, too.
We now know the people involved in the cemetery incident:
If Biden had said that, the newspapers would be howling for his resignation.
It’s very possible you’ll get that kind of performance at debate #2 and things will get very awkward.
That’s a feature, not a bug.
Next time you’re wondering where those MAGA talking points are coming from.
Yeah, definitely. The discussion is usually focused on the impact on minorities though.
They could probably mess with me. Somehow my parents managed to get a different name on my social security card when I was a kid, than what was on my birth certificate. Since my birthname is Gerard, like my dad, but he and I were always called Jerry. So they put Jerry on there. I really should get that cleaned up.
Yup, it’ll make it much easier to repeal the 19th.
What’s funny about that is a NYT insider on the Trump campaign a month or so back talking about how those groups were what Trump was targeting via “non traditional” media. The NYT reporter didn’t mention it was Russian backed, though!
I saw that live earlier. I couldn’t even watch the whole thing it was so bad.
While he’s always spouting gibberish, it’s amazing the difference between when he’s amped up in accordion hands mode and events like this when he seems positively sedated. Like every time he has clearly been told by his advisors to stick to the script, the whole speech that he delivered before the questions was done in a tone of a petulant child reading a apology written for him from under duress and a few Benadryls.
Name changes are super annoying. After getting mine changed, I still deal with occasional bullshit and a few places that still haven’t changed things over despite repeated attempts.
Yeah, when I’ve looked on the social security website to see if I can fix it there, there is only discussion about a legal name change, and nothing about fixing an incorrect name.
I’m not sure which is going to be more of a pain. Fixing it with social security, when has been what is on my dd214, and taxes, or doing a name change which I think requires me interacting with South Dakota since that is where I was born.
I think you go through the process for a corrected social security card. That means a replacement card
Yes! This is what I was talking about before. Multiple trips to dmv, documents from different states, divorce decree, marriage license, etc. For almost everything this kind of stuff is overkill, but unless you have the knowledge and the time to get all of these documents, it’s a large burden on women voters,
I don’t understand how this isn’t the primary message by Democrats. Sure, this hurts minorities, but there are way more women. Just say “this is just another attempt by Republicans to take away a woman’s right to vote. Under these extreme Republican proposals the vast majority of women would have trouble voting because after they got married and changed their names their birth certificate no longer matches their state-issued ID. Our voting system is safe and fair, and all this would do is prevent women from voting.”