24 Season 3 Update--Kim Plays For Other Team?


Well, that’s certainly one way to keep the ratings up.

I am so there.

Keep in mind this has to be confirmed.

I think that hercules at aintitcool is going nuts trying to confirm it, because apparently his contacts say this isn’t the case, and he has a copy of the season 3 premiere script where it is clear that the love interest is a guy. of course, these things can change :)

Considering the Kim Love expressed on this board, though, I imagine that a ton of you are so going to be there, PVR’s recording every second of it.

I have not clicked the link yet, but if that means what I think it means…well, what Ben said plus wow.


Professor Farnsworth: Good news everyone!

What, yet another season?

I wonder how many times someone will get abducted in the same day this time around.
But hot lesbian action? How can I resist. :roll:

Supposedly Kim works at CTU in this upcoming season, so hopefully this raises the odd of her being killed.

Though hopefully not before a hot lesbian orgy… for artistic reasons to further themes of the current season, of course.

Despite the fact that Kim was annoying to no end, she still took part of perhaps the best scene (aside from the “I need a hacksaw” line in the first episode") in all of Season Two: “Shoot him again.”

I’m all over a Kim lesbo scene. The other rumor is that she’s pregnant.

— Alan