36 hours later, I'm still wide awake

Yeah, except this is 100% not drug-induced. I didn’t even have a drink the previous day. If it happens again, though, I’m seriously considering popping one of my leftover Xanax and letting that knock me out.

You’re not bi-polar or anything? Massive emotional/energy swings? :p

No. I used to have anxiety/panic issues, but those are all but gone these days. I do keep some Xanax around though, because panic episodes can happen at any time, and without warning.

Hmmm… Go see a doctor! :D

Sometimes I get a bit like that if I’m in a fantastic mood. But not for days at a time…

This sounds very similar to what little I’ve read of polyphasic sleeping. Has your class discussed it at all Moggraider? I must admit, the additional free time makes it tempting to give polyphasic sleeping a try, but I’m hesitant to do so without more information on any long term effects on one’s health. I wouldn’t exactly call the handful of blogs chronicling their writers’ experiments with polyphasic sleeping a definitive source of knowledge about the health risks :P

Do you live in one of those underground cities like in winipeg or montreal? maybe you’ve been bit by a vampire, and not having been exposed to sun yet, haven’t realised it. Drink some blood and see what happens.

ps. if alcohol is your answer, wine puts me to sleep like nothing else.

Pink pixie stix rule!!

heeeeeeeerooooes heeerooooes heeerooooes…

Guard your brain.

I’m having an issue of waking up during REM sleep every 1-1.5 hours ALL freaking night and obviously more often in the morning. The REM sleep aint helping me at all.

I just emailed my prof about it. He’s David F. Dinges, you can look him up if you want; big researcher. He says Penn’s done extensive studies that haven’t been published and that polyphasic sleep always kicks your ass in the end.

Full moon dude.
Happens to me all the time right around the full moon.
Fell all charged up/full of energy and don’t sleep sometimes, or if I do sleep, it is for considerably less than normal amounts.(2-4 hours vs 5-8)
This month’s full moon was the 4th (yesterday).
Keep track, next month about the same time, it’ll probably happen again.
Think the full moon for April is going to be the 7th? so, around the 3rd or 4th you’ll have the same thing happen again.

Oh yeah, I think it’s around the time of the new moon, you will feel the exact opposite.
VERY tired, lethargic and generally unable to do much of anything.

Did you just call him a lunatic?

Yes, the superhuman power of insomnia. Awesome. I’d be the “Jubilee” of Heroes.

I guess in a manner of speaking, yes.
It’s just that some people are more affected than others. :D

you are thinking of provigil.

I think i might be having the same thing. I’ve been awake for 2 days straight i thought it was normal, due to the fact i sometimes always stay up late til 4 in the morning, but this is getting freaky. I’m still wide awake. Plus this may not be normal but my perception of time is losing its grasp on itself. I convinced myself i’m a zombie (No lie, it’s going to help me retain my sanity)

Epic necro. Epic first post.

Wow, you aren’t kidding!

Since it’s been 17 hours, I hope the lack of further posting indicates that @NotSoRealist has been lying unconscious on the bed in the deep embrace of the dream realm.

Or they discovered the secret to shutting off the bodies need for sleep, in which case… can you share?

This would change my life so much. I hope this breakthrough does come one day, minus the inevitable Twilight Zone twist where it turns out that not sleeping hastens the day of our death commensurate to the amount of sleep missed. DUN DUN DUN.

Plus side: extra days in your 30s are more active than those in your 80s.

Minus side: kids don’t sleep either.