3x3 Suggestion: Favorite Graphic Representations of Science in Movies

I don’t know if you even entertain suggestions, but I got into an entertaining conversation the other day about graphical representations of science in movies.

We’re not talking about science itself or kinda-sciencey explanations of stuff (every Star Trek movie, for example). Computer generated imagery of science stuff, whether it was cool, lame, quaint or just a favorite. Take, for example (because no one will pick this - I hope), Independence Day. Jeff Goldblum’s virus interface thingy that popped up on his mac when he miraculously tapped into the alien computer system is a graphic representation of science. There was a skull, I think, and a handy progress bar to help the audience understand tension was involved.

There are so many great ones, from great movies, that I don’t want to cite more examples. I don’t think it’s been done, but if it has and anyone knows which podcast I’d love to hear it.

Jeff Goldblum’s virus interface thingy that popped up on his mac when he miraculously tapped into the alien computer system is a graphic representation of science.

Is it? It’s more of a GUI, surely.

Anyway, I nominate the Ascent of Duck from Howard the Duck.

This 3x3 on buttons, levers, and switches might fit the bill. I do seem to recall a 3x3 on our favorite computers screens or displays, but I’m not remembering the specific phrasing, probably because it was something Kellywand stumbled into. I think we also discussed cockpits (heh heh) in the Pacific Rim podcast.
