50 years of Interracial Marriage

That… Jesus I have no clue.

Now, red, white, black, tan, yellow, or brown
It really doesn’t matter, we can all get down


Per 23andme, my dna is mega british and pretty much exclusively northwestern Europe. I had no idea. But I also don’t care.

Your genes are now owned by a corporation.

I reproduce by budding. It’s kinda awesome.

My mom is Chinese, my dad Anglo-American (in the racial way, not the legal tradition way), so this has some importance to me. While my brother is slightly more ambiguous, I tend to pass as full Chinese (at least among Americans, Chinese often figure it out). The weird thing for me is that I grew up in Singapore, which has I have no familial ties to, but explaining that gets a bit tedious. As a result, I’m more “Asian” than many full blooded American born Chinese, yet also less.

I think about racial identity almost every day, largely with regards to my daughters. It’s hard. They might be able to pass as white…but I think both of them got the asian epicanthic folds, so it’s hard to say. In any case, we make an effort to make sure that Chinese heritage is part of their life, at least as far as we can. The absolute most important thing that I want them to understand is that “it’s okay to be different things at different times”

These days, there are starting to be really cute children’s books that are arguably about individualism, but are basically just about being multiracial. My favorite is probably Quackers, although I’m also fond of Not Quite Narwhal