A little interview with our buddy DrCrypt

I was browsing the old forums for something, and look what I found!


An interview with our lil’ buddy DrCrypt!


The really funny part (well, to me, anyway) is that I mentioned this URL in the context of a potential romantic match for this woman:


God, that interview is so full of assured, self-referential self-admiration it’s hard to believe the guy being interviewed is apparently a student who hasn’t really done anything to warrant attention outside of posting on the interent. It’s like the guy has practiced for years about the answers he’d give to Playboy should they choose to interview him, but he had to settle for Evil Avatar.


Lol, I read that interview and was completely unsurprised. The mysterious DrCrypt is just who I imagined he was.

I don’t know what’s more funny: wumpus bringing up two year old news in order to criticize someone else for being arrogant and in-love-with-themselves, or the fact that, two years later, people are still pulling their panties over their head and self-righteously squealing about that interview as they wonder if it is all for real or just for laffs.

Keep 'em guessing, my writing teacher said. But here’s a hint: the Internet is not an extension of real life. That’s why people like Brian Koontz turn to Everquest for sex.

PS: hey, wump, how were you able to browse through the old archives? It always seems to me that posts are missing before a certain date.

When caught with your ass hanging out, always remember to attempt to change the subject to Brian Koonz.

I don’t know what’s more funny: wumpus bringing up two year old news in order to criticize someone else for being arrogant and in-love-with-themselves, or the fact that, two years later, people are still pulling their panties over their head and self-righteously squealing about that interview as they wonder if it is all for real or just for laffs.

It wasn’t meant to be a dis, although voluntary participation in an “Evil Avatar forum regular” interview is pretty goddamn humiliating in and of itself.

If it’s any consolation, your writing has gotten a lot better in the last two years.


p.s. I browse the old forums by topic only; seems to work OK.

If it’s any consolation, your writing has gotten a lot better in the last two years.

I suspect you were trying to be patronizing, but thanks, seriously. Most of my writing time over the last two years has been spent trying to combat a nasty tendency of over-writing and a penchant for writing sentences that, while generally gramatically correct, need to be diagrammed to be comprehended without throwing one’s hands up in despair and head butting pencils. If anything, this was always more obvious in my Internet stuff, since I hammered it out in a few minutes and never revised, and my first instinct was always to over-write. My prose was generally much better, since I revised and spent much more time on it, but even so, needed to be calmed down a lot. I think I’ve made a lot of headway in that over the last few years (and since my Internet stuff always suffered most, the change is most obvious there) and I’m pleased that others have noticed. So thanks, wump.

As for the interview, I still think it is pretty funny and don’t see how anyone could possibly take it seriously, but that’s just me.

And EA didn’t ask me for the interview, Certis did - he was always a hell of a lot more on the ball than EA. I’m just thankful that my once-debated regular column for EA (also negotiated by Certis) didn’t get off the ground, which would be like SSX Tricky-ing off of the mountain of self-respect, 1080-ing all the way.


Noone cares about what you’re not. All that is good about the Internet is what is real.

DrCrypt has a fondness for garbage. Enjoy the pile.