I didn’t vote because I didn’t like the responses. Mine would be “Maybe”.
A lot of my hesitation is that Turbine hasn’t exactly bowled me over with their games so far.
And now they are involved with 2 majors simultaneously: Middle Earth Online and D&D Online. You have to wonder how much the 2 titles will overlap.
I would be suprised if Middle Earth Online goes off well. The world is simply too ‘not-friendly’ in terms of gaming. I could just imagine players bitching about lack of ‘PvP balance’ when facing elves or wizards. In Middle Earth, wizards weren’t that common but powerful and elves were simply the best.
DnD Online, on the other hand, does have a better chance of staying true to its nature. Depends if they plan on 100% following the 3rd edition rules or not.
The problem with 3rd edition is getting levels is way too easy and the “Challenge Rating” system for rewarding XP is too lousy. Also, the game is played turn-based style, with things like ‘grappling’ and special abilites taking effect. How will they handle things like raking, devouring, incubation, etc in a game, I will have no idea. NWN doesn’t really count as a “DnD Online”, since they botched most of the rules.
Would be interesting to have D&D multiclassing features in an online RPG.
Plus I could use my forum handle.