A Penny Arcade strip you like and why

A 4th panel video was just uploaded for the strip “Southern Exposure”: http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/southern-exposure-4th-panel

I laughed pretty hard towards the end when Gabe came up with the punchline of the comic (which is a great comic). Good stuff.

I liked this one, and as someone who works in an office which contains other males I can certainly relate at times.

PA’s Kickstarter campaign is amusing reading whether you intend to pledge or not. The pledge reward descriptions are worth reading: “$15 or more: Gabe will think about you during sex, and a certificate of appreciation will be mailed to you.”

That looks like a boobie.


Roman nose:


In one hand this is just one more of their long line of crap jokes. In the other hand the delivery is great.

Not this. Not now. /single tear

I’ve been reading The Trenches, which they collaborate with Scott Kurtz to produce. I like reading all the anonymous anecdotes, but have been noticing that they all seem to be written by the same person. same sort of writing style, same way to describe and allude to things…very uniform. It reminds me of the style of the Ding! Cartoons after Kurtz took over direct control of them.

Anyone else notice this? Is he re-writing everything, or just re-telling stories that he’s heard through the years?

Not a comic. But impressive work.

Cue jackass complaining about the septum.

Aww, I was going to complain about the red noses!

Then you, sir, I warrant, are a jackass, and may proceed forthwith, sir!

Is it really being a jackass to point out what is unquestionably the weakest part of the entire picture? The faces and especially the noses are nowhere near on the same level as the rest of the otherwise very impressive piece.

See also, fingers. Very nice picture overall, though.

It’s not really being a jackass.

How dare you?

I think the faces are only bad insofar as the taller character looks extremely stoned. There might be a reason for that, though?

Might have something to do with having Papaver somniferum growing out of her head?

I’ll admit, nothing in my schooling or life had yet prepared me to identify opium plants so easily, Rich :)

The strong point of that picture is definitely the coloring, not the figures.