A Penny Arcade strip you like and why

I love it when they talk about sport.

On that note, and I am positive it’s been in this thread already:

Legit, that phrasing from the first panel is how I mockingly talk about sports to people who insist on hitting me up about its intricate details after several attempts to politely explain that I don’t have any idea what they’re talking about on even the most basic level to understand what they’re telling me.

Yes. I think the most brilliant thing there is the guy named Joseph Sports.

Credit where credit is due:

I really like Tycho and Div’s costumes.

I like that one guy’s nose, because I am imagining certain people getting hopping mad about it, and that’s funnier than the strip (which is pretty much the old Ninja Gaiden strip rehashed). Also in the first panel he reminds me of Opus the Penguin.

It may be a rehash, but it’s also very accurate.


I normally don’t care but now I’m noticing it … WHY are the noses such a strong color?

Because John Kricfalusi.

I thought it was a Kurtz thing.

They are Kricfalusi noses. Kurtz also takes influence from him, as do vast numbers of cartoonists. Perhaps proximity to Kurtz is causing Gabe to be more open to incorporating John K elements into his work, but the noses are unquestionably John K in origin.

The last ones were kind of weak, this one had is nice

The Manifold

Title is suggestive is a funny way, the “fuck harness” goes to dark places in one’s mind, and it kind of makes sense that the most physical activity of a pair of married nerds like them (both the real ones and fictional Gabe/Tycho) is sex, so of course they would wear the fuelband in intercourse. It would be lost points otherwise!
And it respects continuity, it’s not the first time they mention that, somehow, Tycho is a sex machine.

I like “getting belted into”, like he needs a pit crew to get him ready.

I will be terrible wen gaming turn mainstream and marketers discover our only weakness: Higuer score than our friends.

I was expecting the punchline… and weirdly, got a touching moment. Nice.

This comic comes out THE SAME DAY…

that THIS news comes out.

Spoooooooky. Twilight Zone theme music plays

Tycho promises big words in panel 1, but never delivers.

“So, it’s a seven?”

My favorite line is actually “It’s all toilets down here!” I may have to find occasion to use that phrase.