Just wondering if there’s any interest, though it will be hard to top the last one that was done.
sure, why not?
I wonder if Bill is up for another one, his was very cool with a great story. I would understand him not wanting to though as I am sure that was very time consuming for him.
I’m up for it, though I didn’t know about any werewolf ones (as opposed to vampire/thing).
yeah my bad I played the werewolf card game recently and had that stuck in my head, I mean vampire.
I’m 2 for 3 and still pissed that I got taken out so early for the last one. I’m in!
In fact, let me scribble down some notes and see if I can come up with a decent story for it; if so, I’ll happily run it.
I’d be up for one. I haven’t done very well in the last few though.
I made ok in the last one, but it was my first one so I played a little cautious. looking forward to doing it again.
I sucked horribly on the one I participated in. I want another chance to be werewolf/vampire fodder.
I’m in too.
Could you post a quick explanation or a link to en example of this? I’m guessing it’s like a mafia game I’ve played before but I really am unsure.
I looked up Bill’s game after seeing the praise it recieved here. It is an excellent read both as an introduction to the game and Bill’s writing: http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?t=43110&highlight=werewolf
I’ll play, but it doesn’t have to be strict werewolf or vampire setting. I like it when people experiment with other settings.
Vampires, werewolves, zombies AND Things!
I want to play again!
It’s been long enough that I should’ve lived down my shame from the last time. I’m in if there’s room.
I’m always up for a game. But I’ll gladly defer to anyone who has never played before, since by my count, I’ve been involved in almost all of them.
I’m up for another one as well. I had a hell of a lot of fun with the last one.
That was quite an interesting read. Count me in.
So, for those of us that have never played it, it’s a role playing game in which you are simply given your character’s name and role. From there you just go forward?
I’ll play. Be aware that I’ve been staked before without ever playing. But it seems interesting.