Adam Wingard's Blair Witch

Man Bites Dog is an incredible and harrowing film.

Gotta say though, I loved The Blair Witch Project and count it amongst my favourite horror flicks.

I also enjoyed You’re Next a lot and The Guest was great for the most part, although, like Telefrog, I think it started to fall apart towards the end. I’m curious about this then, but not curious enough to watch the trailer. I hate trailers.

Given that they’re coming out with another Underworld movie, I’ve given up trying to figure out when a studio continues with a franchise and when they let it die.

Well, I finally watched this today.

…I kinda liked it? Basically, it’s not saying anything new, it’s kinda messy and a little dumb in places, and I was never particularly scared…but I remember being mostly baffled and bored by the original, and I think Wingard sells the menace a loooot better. (I suppose budget tells.) It’s not just weird stick totems and piles of rocks and noises in the woods (though those things are there). It’s characters wandering back into camp having seemingly lost days. GPS not working. The sun not coming up. And worse.

( I totally called the precipitating Youtube video being a timeslipped bit of footage from the end of the movie though.)

His first three movies are a lot better than either this or Death Note, though.