Advice for purchasing a new PC monitor

Open your windows event log and confirm that your nVidia driver isn’t crashing when the screen blanks.

Could also be the connector on the monitor if not the cable. But that doesn’t make it easier to fix.

Different monitor and cable. I can check the windows logs, although my 2nd screen stays up the entire time if the drivers are crashing.

Change the connector, use HDMI or whatever instead. Use a converter if you have to

I am now using a HMDI cable. However, my monitors having been moved are not quite right in the same orientation / position. Grrr. Hopefully this in the end of this story.

I replaced my ~8 year old Samsung with an ASUS VG248QE 144Hz 1080p monitor today. The difference is pretty astonishing, but I’m still fiddling with getting all the settings right. Between the NVIDIA control panel, in-game settings, and the monitor’s own settings, it’s hard to get a feel for how to make it look just right. Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to set up a monitor?

I like to start with the windows color/gamma calibration tool, and adjust from there (either the Windows sliders built into the tool or using the OSD of the monitor itself). Usually it’s best to look up reviews of your display and find out what “mode” is best for general settings - some modes (like Game for instance) don’t have all the custom options of other modes, so find the mode that is the most “open” and tweak from it. A quick Google search by brand usually gets you lots of results for “best practice” settings.

For example,

Then once you feel like brightness/gamma/color are about right, I like to go to google images and search for colors - Red, Blue, Green, etcs and just lean back and look and make sure the colors feel about right. This is harder when you have dual displays - making them look about the same can be tough. If this is your only display, it is a LOT easier.

Thanks for the helpful info! Right now, I’m running it in Scenery mode. I pretty much use this machine for games only, and “Game Mode” seems too washed out, though it’s oddly better for non-game stuff. Scenery Mode is much more vibrant and good-looking, though sometimes too bright. Different games make it weird, too, as some have nearly zero controls and others a lot.

Now this is more like it…

Does it come with a stand?

Ha! I expect you just have one of the under footmen hold it up.

Two. One for each side, knave.

What happens if I drill holes in it?

You lose your peerage.

Ok, so full disclaimer… I’m aware that this will be a horrible ‘first world problems’ kinda post, but I’m thinking very seriously of buying a stupidly stupidly stupidly big monitor, and hope to hear war stories from anyone else who has one as to what to look out for, and if they are really cool etc?

I’m a coder and gamer and currently love twin 27" monitors running at 2560x1440 each. I have 2 asus monitors on one of those dual monitor arms thingies. These 2 beasts happily sit on my desk, so the actual screen estate and desk space is not an issue for me.

I’m drooling over this:

49", 5120x1440 res. 4ms response. 3000:1 contrast 120HZ LED.

Is this a decent spec? will it suck or be awesome? I drool at the idea of battlefield V at this res, although I only have a 980ti so this may be a tad ambitious. I vaguely read about IPS being better than LED.
These are my current monitors:

So nothing special. (5ms, LED image contrast 80million?) I’m happy with the same quality but a single monitor (no bezels and super l33t gaming, less cabling, less monitor stand bullshit).

Talk me into/out of it!

  1. 21:9 game support is lacking
  2. your 980ti can’t power that resolution
  3. curved is a gimmick
  4. comparing IPS “vs” LED is wrong. LED can be IPS.

Counter point - 21:9 support is mostly just fine. I don’t think I could ever go back after having switched last year.

Curved is also nice at much wider sizes. Just my perception, but I thought it was a gimmick until I used it.

You may be underpowered. No idea about IPS etc.

5120x1440 is the same resolution you get from your dual 2560x1440 monitors. Your 980ti ought to perform similarly on both setups.

ONLY if he’s used 2-monitor window spanning 3D in games.

I’d be interested in knowing the viewing distance you’d use to play a game at that size and resolution. I’ve dual displays, but I only play games on one and never have to actually turn my head while playing. This size makes me feel like you’d not have the full view in sight unless you push it back further.

Is that even a concern for those with these giant displays? Having never tried it, I wouldn’t know.