Alabama Senate special election thread of hot takes, bitter disappointment, and/or slightly possible exuberance.

An incredibly cool thread about targeted appeals to different African American voting blocs, and why that’s important.

Might be why so many pundits/editorialists in Alabama missed this.

Looks like I have to pay to read this? What am I missing here, as this could be useful in the work that I do.

Do you not have a “full article” button? I can’t always tell what other people see because I’m on a university network and sometimes they have access deals with journals so I don’t get the same “purchase this now” type buttons that others do.

I see two options. Either enter with my institutional affiliation. I’m not an academic. Or pay to read it.

Looks like she has it on her website:

I like to check authors’ college or personal sites, a lot of the time they’ll post there too.

Thank you @arrendek.

I’d like to echo the big thank yous to our resident Alabamians (the term with the i is the correct one, right?), and to the legions of black voters who punched above their weight, in a special election in an off year, in mid-December no less, for keeping hope alive!

I live in Utah which, while very different than Alabama, has enough similarities that I can relate. You have my sympathies, and I understand exactly what you mean.

Alabama may be in the spotlight at the moment, but the emotional turmoil you’re going through isn’t unique to your state. We recently discovered that our daughter’s friend’s father is a Trump supporter and it threw me for a loop. I had a few drinks at our holiday party and ended up gossiping about that fact and then regretting it the next day. He’s a nice guy so I felt like a dick but then again, voting for Trump. Who’s got time for that shit??

Sometimes accurate, however.

In the spirit of raining on parades, here’s Ezra Klein’s less-than-ecstatic take:

I’m very sorry Doug Jones lost.

Man. Hope things get better.

Scathing wit is scathing!

I’m an optimist who married a pessimist. She claims it’s a good mindset because it’s connected to realism and preparedness. Whereas I just think Eeyore is a gloomy pain in the ass.

It’s almost like there’s half a glass of water and one could describe it in either of two ways…

In response to your thoughts, I do find it kind of mystifying that SO many Southeastern US white voters are still so sore about desegregation and the Civil and Voting Rights Acts over 50 years later. How is (closet and overt) racism so ingrained? People get it in their mother’s milk, I guess. I mean, these people have contact/dealings with black people way more often than I do in Portland Oregon: surely they should come to understand that they’re just people.

Fear of the other is one of the easiest animal instincts to listen to if you’re not taught or shown otherwise.

It’s not really about the specific groups, I don’t think. I think they just use thenmm as a tool for excusing why things suck for some people. If you didn’t have a target to point out and say that’s why you don’t have what you want, then you’d actually have to do something about it. They might hold their politicians accountable once in awhile.

The top 1 percent, despite their claim, did not get there simply on hard work and self-sacrifice. they’ve designed a system to get them there and grow all the wealth for them… in order to do that you have to get the bottom 99 to turn on each other… constantly.

Has Moore conceded yet? Or is he still waiting for divine intervention?

He paid his five pieces of silver, and he’s waiting for delivery. It was discounted so… not getting what he bargained for.

Trump really is unique in this aspect. I have often had intense political arguments with associates in the past and sometimes they’d get pretty angry, but it was on entirely different level.

With Trump enthusiasts I don’t get into arguments. I just feel sick to my stomach and don’t talk about anything politically related with them. Compartmentalize.

Ironically the Trump voters I most get along with now are people who say, “I don’t follow politics or events or policy in any way, I just vote for whoever will lower my taxes the most and be done with it.” I used to get into huge arguments with those people but now I find that them the most tolerable lol. I think it’s terrible but at least I can understand that.