Allow me to solicit your non-professional advice on pest control

Sure, but then he will get gecko eating birds to rid his place of the gecko infestation, and then he will need to get trained ocelots to rid the place of the birds, and then he will need ocelot killing chimpanzees to get rid of the ocelot infestation… and then he will need knife-wielding gorillas to clear out the chimps.

You don’t want to be knee deep in knife wielding gorillas… let me tell you…

Wheee! We are finally moving and are very excited about that. Having more space will be dandy, but getting away from these goddamn roaches will be the best thing ever. While packing, we have discovered that they have been nesting in two bookcases full of books and cds, so a lot of our books and music are getting the toss. At first I had trouble giving up some of these, but as we throw away more and more of them, it becomes less and less difficult and I am starting to the point where I like the idea of not having to move a lot of this stuff.

I also look forward to throwing most of our furniture away.

Ugh. The first apartment I ever had got a small roach infestation coming in through a crack between the bath tub and the wall. As soon as I realized what they were and where they were coming from, I demanded that my landlord take care of the problem. The next day an exterminator came out, sprayed some poison stuff around, and after a few days of finding some dead roaches around they never came back. There’s no way in hell I’d stand for living in a place infested like that. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.

I’ve discovered fleas at our house. Dang. The cat is getting treatment first… what do I need to do next?

clean like you have ocd

Fleas are a real pain in the ass to get rid of if you let your cats outdoors, and obviously with kids you don’t want to go bombing the place. Cleaning alone won’t do much either, as their eggs are pretty well stuck in any carpet.

We use these traps, picked up from a local pet store, which are essentially just a night light face down over a glue pad. They’re cheap and effective, although they don’t get rid of fleas perfectly (not much does). We leave them on when the fleas seem to be gone too, as it blunts new outbreaks before they get started.

You do still have to keep on top of the Flea treatments for your pets though.

Fair warning: anything you move will probably have roaches inside it, and you’ll be helping the colony relocate to nice new digs along with you. Especially things like electronics, that have lots of heatsink room inside, are great places for them to hitch a ride.

My suggestion: pack up everything you have, and rather than moving it straight into the new location, locate it all somewhere else temporarily–either a storage rental or even just the moving truck–and then bomb the hell out of that location for a couple of days. That should dive all the bugs out, and then you should be able to move with reasonable safety.

The only electronics going with us are the TV and Xbox, both of which are going in to be completely disassembled and cleaned, although I’m pretty sure that the TV is roach free. We’re packing everything by bringing in boxes, filling them with things that are individually inspected, and then immediately removing them from the house. The new place is going to thoroughly treated by an exterminator before we move in and again immediately after. I have no doubt that we will still end up with some hitchhikers, but I’m hoping that we are sufficiently minimizing the chances so that any that do come along will be easy to deal with.

Oh, we’re throwing most of our furniture away too.

Roaches now when the party is moving somewhere else.

They fucking know it, man.

Anyone have tips for killing a mouse? I killed three or four with mousetraps, but there is one left who is some sort of mouse supergenius and won’t go near any of the traps.

I’ve always had really good luck with the cheap, plastic no-kill traps from Wal-Mart. They’re just a little box with a door that only opens inward. Peanut butter on a cracker works well as bait. I have made a point in the past of releasing them near the homes and offices of the landlords that would not deal with the issue.

I’ve had this problem from time to time over the years.

I have a “mouse guy”, and maybe his shtick is bullshit, but what he recommended worked for me.

However many traps you have, every 24 hours move them around a little bit. Huge moves aren’t necessary, but move them a few or several feet this way or that way. The theory underlying the move is that the mouse is a creature of habit, and by altering the enviroment that he likes to run you are effectively making him “relearn” the safe places in your house and increasing the chances that they make a fatal error.

Maybe the underlying rationale is complete garbage, but I’ve had the same problem you have 3 times over the last 10 or 12 years or so. I get the first few mice right off the bat with the initial traps, and there are one or two mice left that seem to have figured out the game. I start moving the traps around each night before I go to bed, and in a morning or two, I get the rest.

It’s cheap to try, anyway.

Reported I’ve alerted pest control.

In case anyone is curious, just use Advion. Works good in disgusting new york places (you know, when you see them around in the daylight. That’s when you have a real infestation.)