Alright! Enough of this!

The use of the word “fare” as in “typical FPS fare” or “standard RPG fare” has gotten completely out of hand.




Gone Gold

Games Domain


PC Gamer only had 1 occurence. The google search matched a search within the site. Way to be PC Gamer!

P.S. Our Benevolent sponsors are mostly innocent.

Doesn’t look like those sites fared well on your tests.

The word “actually” is seriously overused as are “certainly,” “thing,” “scores,” and “plenipotentiary.”

The use of words has to stop!

I say we take 10% of the revenue from word using sites and give the money to wordless sites.

Like this initiative. But with words.

I’d like to see more use of the ever-informative “crisp graphics” and the superbly descriptive “deceptively simple,” myself.
(Man, I hate soggy graphics!) [/size][/color]

Bleeding edge technology.


I just wish Tom Chick would stop using the word “donnybrook.” I mean, for God’s sake, don’t use words that make me stop and think back to my mad cramming for the SAT in high school!


Its nostalgia, from all the times down by the brook with his “friend” Donny, who tenderly took his Red Beret virginity from him by planting one on his head.

I agree.

We should stop using words like “the”, “like”, “a” and of course that most over-used word, “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis”.

I call for a boycott of the letters a, e, s, and t.

and sometimes y.



Since we’re talking about words, maybe one of the Big Brains of QT3 can refresh my memory… there is a particular word which describes other words that are only ever used in one specific, particular way. For example, the words “veritable” and “cornucopia”, which seem only ever to be used together - many is the gaming rag that has previewed a “veritable cornucopia” of upcoming games.

Other examples, and the actual words that describes this phenomeon, greatly received…

Oh god, a small but valuable part of me dies whenever I read “veritable” in a game article.

Great aplomb. These two always appear together, too. I have no idea what you call these words, though.

Other than messages consisting entirely of an emoticon, is this the shortest coherent post in the history of Qt3?

Wow. Do you know how much puzzling worry you would bring, how much idiocy would bloom, how much good you would undo if you could pull your gimmick off?

Wow. Do you know how much puzzling worry you would bring, how much idiocy would bloom, how much good you would undo if you could pull your gimmick off?[/quote]

Nah… they would just be replaced by very similar letters with the same meaning. The English teachers would hate it, and the Keyboard manufacturers would be delirious with joy.