And I will form the head Voltron, Netflix edition

reminds of an episode of teen titans go, where robin is pissed off that he has to be the left leg…

The fourth season is up. It’s on the short side, but it’s good, but some aspects seemed very forced.

Wow. That was fast!

Yeah, I was up at 530 with a sick 1 year old. Not a lot else to do.

Season 5 is up.

I really enjoyed seasons 1 and 2. It’s been downhill from there, though, in my opinion. The larger story seems to have bogged down. I realize we’re talking about a cartoon here and I expect the occasional cheesy side episode, but it feels to me like they don’t have a sense of direction any more with the story. Expecting too much after how well they did with the first two seasons, I suppose.

Have you watched through all of the episodes? A lot happens (IMO) if you’ve caught up.

I think part of what you may be feeling is that the later “seasons” aren’t really traditional seasons. They’re shorter than the first two seasons (basically half each), and don’t necessarily try to wrap up an arc in a “season”. It’s really just a cluster of episodes released together. I thought the latest season, in particular, didn’t really try to wrap anything up in the 6 episodes.

Yeah, that’s part of it. Maybe I just stop watching as it comes out, and wait until they’re finished to watch it all.

New season of Voltron. I am only 2 episodes in, but I think maybe we can start wrapping on the series soonish.

This session was really good.

Are they really playing D & D?

New season, and 4 episodes in, I like the way the show is going.

Man, I’m still on like season 2 I think. So behind on this.

Bii Boh Bi!


Just saw part one and two of the last stand! I think it’s been my favorite episodes in the whole series.

Last season December 14.

Just finished this up. Overall I enjoyed the series, but I felt like there was a lot of filler. I thought it was really well done, in terms of characters and plot (allowing for aimed-at-kids cartoon silliness). I just wish they’d cut out some big chunks of the side stories and kept it at 3-4 full-length seasons.

Just wrapped this up. Not sure I’ve hated a series finale that much in, well, ever tbh. Jesus.

Making me feel better about dropping off after season 2 or 3 or whatever it was.