And now, a drunken candlestick posting

Stick, bitches!

Sorry, couldn’t resist. A nice candlestick I made this weekend with my father. Firewood oak, nice spalling up close. I went with a deco style, it just seemed right. I got very lucky with the visible knot, it didn’t chip and has a great “Eye storm on Saturn” feel. The two dark lines are burn lines, my father made a nice little stainless steel wire garrotte that you can use to burn a line on wood by friction in the lathe.

And now, spalling enhance!

Hoo boy, I gotta watch this double special beer. The maddening thing is that I know I can never make a decent “two triangle” candle again. My first effort at complicated things is always ridiculously competent, and then I fall apart. You should have tasted the first loaf of bread I ever baked. Instead, you can only have the 200 failures since.


Not bad, but it needs a little staining.

Not if you could see it up close, the wood has too much character. It also has some nice tan sections that didn’t come through in the photo.


do you mean spalting instead of spalling?

Is that what it is? My father kept saying “spalding” which is country for spalting. Now it makes sense. Thanks.


Spalling is when a surface chips due to stress; for example a windshield hit by a high-velocity Mario Van Peebles.