And the winner of 2020's final review request is...

That is a great summation of the Abrams Star Wars movies. Kudos!

Aside from Steam reviews, which I do not really trust, there are no reviews of Amazing Cultivation Simulator…at all.

The most recent one (and the upcoming one) are full length novels, so there’s that much more good stuff. And yes, Murderbot is a profoundly likable and relatable rogue AI, which is quite a trick.

I’ve only read the first two so far, but to me the rogue AI doesn’t really seem to be written all that differently from a (very socially insecure) regular human (who is indeed profoundly likeable and relatable). Which is not to take away from the books/novellas at all, they’re really good.

I will grant that. If you want a more “inhuman” AI that’s still fascinating to read about, Anne Leckie’s Ancillary books are an excellent choice.

Got anything else? I’ve already read those (and her next one, too) and they were also great. ;)

Sadly I do not. Maybe someone else can suggest something to both of us.

Woah, you think of Murderbot as a “him”? I wonder why I always thought of it as “her” in my head?

I’m pretty sure Murderbot explicitly rejects being gendered at some point in the books.

Yeah, she does. But it doesn’t change what was already established in my head.

I didn’t know True Grit was a novel! Now to figure out this library curbside pickup thing.

You know, I bet you’re right. Or maybe we’re both right. Wells’ universe is decidedly progressive with gender issues. Him/her/ter!

You are in for such a treat. Although I’ve never gone wrong steering folks to Charles Portis’ Norwood.


Gah, I can’t believe I forgot to credit the clip! That’s even dumber than forgetting to use the tower part of the dice tower. The clip is from American Movie, a documentary about a guy from Wisconsin who pulled his friends and family together to make a horror movie. The guy in the clip is Mark Borchardt, who went on to become a bit of a minor celebrity in the wake of the movie. It’s from 1999 and it’s a classic:


And the winner:

@Jason_McMaster will probably be pleased about that…”


“shoot a monkey productions” very nice, with support from “windmeal associates”. Your voice is sounding good Tom, happy for you.

Yup. But I think of it as a “her” too. My wife thinks of it as a “him.” Make of that little Rorschach test whatever you like.


Dude, I may have occasional accent fallout issues from a childhood in Arkansas, but I at least know how to spell! But I like Windmill Associates as an executive producer credit.

The joke’s going to be on you if it turns out that I actually like the winning game!


If you like JASS more than Rimworld after this, I’m not sure what to do with you.

Credit to @justaguy2!