Animated GIFs 2016

Hahaha, exactly the first thing I thought of :)

I love this one so much. Look at how happy the attacker is. Look how he goes for the phone first. He’s saying, “Let’s end your call so I can kill you.” And then of course he has to be doing the “moowhohaha” laugh throughout. The actor looks like a bizarro version of Ernest Borgnine. Who is it?

This target guy has a tough job. He must have dropped out of school. Don’t let this happen to you! Stay in school!

That’s character actor Rudy DeLuca.

Restored scene from upcoming collector’s edition of Jurassic Park

Looks like they’re flashing gang signs to me. Wrong for America I say.

I kind of love that.

No strings were harmed in the making of it.


I love this thread so much I just wanna hug it!