Anno 1800, city-building in the industrial revolution

Something like that. ANYTHING really.

The most 1800 gives you is town halls highlighting the buildings it’s affecting.

You can still do that. Better than nothing but not much help if your buildings are spread out all over the island though.

Anyone know when the Sunken Treasure update is due?

Ohhh Looks like it comes out July 30. Yea!

This looks quite good!

Sunken Treasure just rolled out worldwide. Gonna give it a spin!

Watching the stupid gamescom pres conference was worth it for something. They announced Anno 1800 will be free to play until August 25th!

Who cares about free to play, the game got a day night cycle coming in September.

@jpinard how is sunken treasures, I haven’t had time to play it. :(

Add in a free month of uplay+ that is being offered from Sep 3rd to 30th, and you can get a good amount of free Anno 1800 from today. Just in case you do care about free to play! I’ll be giving it a spin again to see if it has been optimised to playable on my aging rig.

I got side tracked by all the other new games so I’m not sure LOL.

It’s nice, it adds a really huge island map. You can make nice items from the new scrap you get from finding stuff underwater.

I checked and didn’t see that it is limited in any way. Is that correct as far as we know?

It doesnt have the new dlc, but otherwise its the full game.

Good enough for me to take it for a spin.

The campaign isn’t available in the free version.

As a newcomer to the series, jumping straight into sandbox mode left me feeling a bit lost. (Particularly the warehouse and trade route interfaces.) I assume the campaign is set up to ease the learning curve?

That’s disappointing, although the story and voice acting were horrible - I played it in the pre launch demo. But, it is a good way to easy into the game so I probably would have went through it.

When I wrote that I thought it was the full game, but I was wrong. Apart from being limited to sandbox mode, it’s also limited to the first three tiers of buildings.

Ah, OK. I’ll wait until their streaming service trial starts. Thanks!

I’ve really enjoyed the demo this week; I guess this game is right up my alley. I’ve made it to the end of artisans and as far in the Trafalgar, er, Trelawney plot as the demo lets you. It seems like a pretty solidly improved 1404. The split into multiple maps does make things a bit more hectic at times, but generally I dig it. Tourism is a pretty solid addition, I think–certainly makes more sense here than in Civ 5. The expeditions are a little silly and seem the closest to something that was added just for the sake of having something else to do, but I guess you can ignore them. (And I did kind of enjoy them.)

The change to require labor for production buildings is pretty big. It means that you can get in a tough spot if people leave when you don’t have enough goods for them and then you have less labor to get the good you need. But it didn’t seem too much of an issue in practice. Having to put people on the settlement I needed for hops was interesting. I’m not sure if I like it, but I think I do. I did get an influence bonus that gave me free labor which more or less obviated the problem, though. (And I have no idea how influence bonuses work–i kept getting and losing them, and then the things that were listed in the influence bonus section didn’t seem to apply…) I still managed to get to a spot where money was inconsequential.

I guess with engineers you get power plants and railroads. I don’t see how you can do a nineteenth century trading/city game without railroads but I have no idea how they’d fit in the Anno scheme where overland transport is instantaneous (or nonexistent).

I suppose I should get the game since I liked it so much, but it’s been so long since I paid more than $10 for a game that I don’t know if I can bring myself to do it…

It’s a little odd and feels a bit forced, but it works OK.

Yes. But it also made me rebuild major parts of my city. The city builder forces you to rebuild or to plan your layout very carefully: good long term motivation mechanic.