Anonymity, Trump supporters, the right-wing media, and the gman account

When the three year old has a tantrum, he inevitably believes it reflects poorly on the adults around him. It can’t be his fault, after all - he is accountable to no one, he is by definition not capable of acting responsibly. So it must be someone else’s fault if he’s allowed to behave badly, surely?

Big whiff, in context, especially given other posters’ comments. Snarky potshots are still just potshots, which unfortunately defines most of the discussion on this forum when it comes to dissenting views.

And yet here you stay. So obviously superior to all of us. The smartest of all the monkeys, but caged in this thread. Whomp Whomp.

Why would I go to the other threads, when it’s just personal attacks like this? Why would any of the other conservatives, who have privately messaged me to tell me this is exactly why they don’t bother posting in P+R, bother to engage elsewhere?

That’s only a problem if you don’t want an echo chamber. But it’s clear people here do.

You can’t imagine how sad I am about the fact that there are millions of conservatives who don’t post here.

Incidentally, the playbook (or rather, a playbook) for the rhetorical games on display here is the Daily Stormer’s “style guide:”

The goal is to continually repeat the same points, over and over and over again…The reader is at first drawn in by curiosity or the naughty humor, and is slowly awakened to reality by repeatedly reading the same points.

It’s a document well worth reading, and easily found with a web search.

Of course the DS didn’t invent these tactics, but they’re more up-front about their mechanics than most organs of the American right.

Since white supremacists trolling online fora behave like naifs who are just asking reasonable questions, someone claiming to be a naif who’s just asking reasonable questions has an uphill climb to credibility. That’s what they mean when they say that when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

It’s also worth mentioning that utter, full-throated opposition to the Republican party is now the position of George Will and Steve Schmidt. This isn’t a liberal position. It is the position of people who want to see America survive its flirtation with fascism.


Not one but two Nazi references in the same post! It’s an internet cliche for a reason.

I have actually been using the playbook of “always treat people decently,” but that one’s obviously lost on the folks here. Is that in the Daily Stormer’s, too? What a crock.

Naner naner, you’re the Nazi! Bullying and silencing dissent is such a Nazi thing to do!!

Am I doing it right?

I shouldn’t bother, but this bears repeating:

You’re very concerned that people are misrepresenting you and calling you names. So, some questions to consider:

What is the difference (in anonymous contexts such as this) between a “real” white supremacist who is just “asking reasonable questions” and someone who uses the exact same language but is asking those questions earnestly? You know that an alt-right playbook exists, and you must understand that you’ve (intentionally or not) pretty much followed it, so what can you do to ensure we don’t misrepresent you?

Also, instead of thinking “these people are calling me a racist, and I’m not a racist, so clearly they are idiots and I must defend myself,” maybe consider that the things you say and do are identical to the things said and done by “real” racists, and ponder why that might be.

Lol you’re asking for introspection from a Trumpista like it’s people.

I actually don’t know what an “alt-right playbook is,” but I do see that people here have tried very hard to basically say literally anything I do is following it. I can do it too! Watch:

The tendency to de-humanize other people is right out of Hitlers’ Nazi playbook! What’s next, the GAS CHAMBERS?! (Seriously, Hitler did do that, equated Jews to nonhumans all the time!!)

Fortunately, I don’t do that, because it’s completely idiotic.

They’re not. I actually haven’t said anything racist. People even accused me of being racist because I referred to a predominately white culture as “white,” which Telefrog did earlier. Sic 'em, too, that dirty racist!!

I present to you, The Wheel of gman responses!

Wheels are right out of HITLER’S PLAYBOOK!

So what are you still doing here? Nobody is engaging with you on anything interesting, and you have lost all credibility to lead a discussion.

At this point it feels like you never learned the difference between good attention and bad attention. I want to assure you what is happening here with you is the later.

What is anyone doing here? It’s a great question. The subforum is not a good place for discussion.

You’re good at asking questions, but not answering them.

What are you getting out of this? Why are you still here?

I’m just out here following the Nazi playbook. Seriously, I restricted my involvement to this one thread, and so far what I’m getting out of it is a newfound appreciation for my decision to do so. And an appreciation for my colleagues and friends who are open-minded. And a commitment to always treat people with respect, even when I get older and even when they disagree with me politically.