Anonymity, Trump supporters, the right-wing media, and the gman account

Well see @CLWheeljack post above. It’s one thing to admit that you are uncomfortable and to try and work on that, it’s another to try and boot them from the country. I ran into some other language once so I am going to vote to leave the EU sounds… well it doesn’t sound good.

Well, there are rather a lot of positions between those two. I’d suggest these are the hairs to be split, so to speak.

As I mentioned in my previous post, yeah there are grey areas. But not understanding a language and wanting to understand what is going on around you is not a racist positron. Not understanding a language and trying to remove everyone who makes you uncomfortable, saying they don’t belong them, and suggesting they somehow they are ruining your culture, well maybe not racist depending on the language or country but it would still make someone a bigot… To say that opinion is bigoted but not the person, yeah that’s splitting hairs.

As for this European culture claim, 99% of the time it’s not European culture they’re trying to save, it’s white culture, and it’s a complete eradication of most of the world’s history to claim that the music, the food, the math and science, the clothes, the architecture and everything behind all that only has white roots to begin with. This attempt to save European Culture, it’s code for white supremacy. It makes about as much sense as saying trying to save Asian culture… as if you could take everything in Asia and everything that has contributed to all those cultures, lump it into one basket, and somehow save it.

Ah, perhaps I misunderstood your earlier remarks.

Strictly speaking, there are no other races. Once you decide to pretend that there are, lots of Western European people decided that the Poles were another race long ago, and many still behave as if they believe that now. Certainly when Poles were immigrating in numbers to the US, they were treated as members of another race, along with Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, etc.

Racism is about fear and loathing of the Other, and just about anyone can qualify under the right circumstances. Skin color isn’t an essential part of the mechanism, though it is a big one.

No it isn’t, that’s xenophobia. In many past cultures, the concepts of racial superiority/inferiority were considered simple scientific fact.

What about racism is a subset of xenophobia where the otherness is associated most strongly with race rather than culture or country of origin?

I would argue nowadays many people consider the superiority of a certain culture an objective fact.

No, not really. In any event, it can’t be racism because those people are white is belied by history, and arguments to that effect are very uninteresting.

Nuh-huh yes really.

Again, some of that stuff hits grey areas where you’d have to dig deeper, and this happens all the time in those discussions. I know I haven’t been around as long as some others, but accusations of someone being racist or a part of white supremacy is extremely rare. I don’t know why there is this sudden fear that everyone who shows up in P&R is going to be accused of being racist or alt-right or white supremacy. There are thousands of ways to discuss policies, even Trump’s and the GOP’s disgusting ones, that don’t involve racist based lingo and talking points straight of the pages of white supremacy books and internet pages. That’s just not what happened here.


I have no idea what those are [quote=“scottagibson, post:854, topic:135850, full:true”]


I have no idea what those are supposed to be, but they look like the foot of somebody with bad diabetes who has already lost two toes on their foot.

It’s an awful representation, I agree. A gif would be better.

In this specific case it means Scott is denying common knowledge and literally trying to hand-wave it away.

Oh, yes, that’s exactly what it means.

Maybe we actually do a need a thread about what racism actually means since it seems like this is actually driving a lot of disagreement here.

FWIW - the definition of racism that I’ve found most helpful was that racism refers to the SYSTEM that promotes unequal treatment of people based on race. So based on this definition a racist would be someone who acting to supporting such a system.

I’m automatically suspicious of any definition of racism that can be preceded with “<MINORITY> can’t be racist because…”

Apparently defining racism as prejudice against a race is just too simple for some people.

You have a point, but the primary reason I prefer the system definition is that it explicitly covers issues like FHA redlining of districts for mortgage loans as well the people who upheld it as examples of “racist policy & its supporters”.

I feel like the classic definition focuses on interpersonal relations and sidesteps policy/societal issues.

The problem is that definition Is so loose you can describe almost anything you want as racist. The policy either needs to have discriminatory intent or be disproportionately discriminatory. Unequal treatment can arise because of correlated factors. I’ve seen the left make the nonsense argument that any kind of welfare reduction is racist, so this isn’t a slippery slope argument.

I agree the FHA thing is racist, btw.

Works great until someone says ‘[Poles/Jews/Muslims/Italians/Irish/etc] aren’t a race, so you lose loser!’

Then you’re stuck back in another definitions debate. That was my point. There aren’t actually other races, and people will direct racism at anyone they perceive as not like them, and arguing that X isn’t racism because it’s not directed at a race is a silly argument and a distraction.