Another demo: NOLF2

The official demo for NOLF 2 is out. Its a big one at 160MB.

/me waits for the Utah (XLON) link from 3Dgamers

Wow, I’m really impressed so far. Particularly with the fact that I can play at full detail (800x600 resolution) on my p3 800 GF2 setup. It could be smoother, but for a single player game where it’s not completely twitch-reliant it’s definitely playable and gorgeous.

The humor is certainly intact and the game seems very very polished. I know that’s kind of an overused sentiment, but I can’t think of a better way to describe it.

“Polished” is probably the best adjective I could use to desribe the whole thing, too. Just really, amazingly polished.

Makes me anticipate Tron 2.0 even more.

Monolith cranks out NOLF, AvP2, NOLF2, and Tron 2.0, while working on Matrix Online, in less time than it takes to make Duke Nukem Forever. That better be one HELL of an amazing shooter out of 3D Realms. ;)

Judging by the time George Broussard spends making posts over on planetcrap, I think it’ll be the first messageboard-based FPS.

If the final version of the NOLF2 is as good as the demo, then this could easily be one of my favorite games of the year.

The graphics are spectacular, and this is the first time I think I can honestly say that the LithTech engine really seems to compete against the current state of the Unreal engine. The water looks simply amazing, with reflections and even oil slicks on them. The character models are vastly improved over NOLF1 and Cate Archer looks great in the in-game cutscenes.

I know stealth gameplay is not everyone’s favorite, but there so many cool weapons and gadgets (I love the unity keychain light and the animation Cate uses for putting it away.) The hardcore shooter folks are probably going to sneer at all the collecting you have to do, but I played through the demo both on stealth mode and Rambo mode and got throught it just fine, except with the stealth mode I learned a lot more about the plot and got a lot more humor (one of the sub-plots on the second stage was tracking down H.A.R.M.'s new mission statement).

The in-game music is great, and there are so many great details, like the fact that the computer terminals really look like old workstations from the late '60s. Plus, this is the only shooter with a sense of humor I can remember playing in the last few years. Most other shooters are so full of macho horseshit that it’s refreshing to play a game that’s different.

Along with GTAIII Vice City, NOLF2 is probably my most eagerly awaited game of the holidays.

ahahahaha!! man, that was damn funny.

Yeah, NOLF2 has the best putting-things-away and taking-things-out animations ever. I like the quick twirl of her pistol when she puts it away (I think it’s only on the sibera lvel that she has it).

The interface design is pretty good, and has lots of nice little touches. Like, if you want to use a gadget, you don’t need to hunt it down in the weapons selection and select it. Want to pick a lock, just point at it and right-click (hold the button down). Cate will switch to the lockpick, pick the lock, and when you let go of the button she’ll switch back to the weapon she was using before. Same goes for stuff like the code-breaker. Pretty cool.

Also, reloading: Right-clicking is your general “interact” button for using stuff in the environment, but when you’re not pointing your crosshair at anything useable, it reloads your current gun. Much simpler to just right-click while running around than to contort your fingers to hit the “reload” key on the keyboard.

None of that is really a big deal, it’s nothing other shooters couldn’t do, but again - polish.

I loved loved LOVED NOLF.

I downloaded the demo and just played through the Japan level with glee. More of the same, but better.

That said, I’ve uninstalled the demo.

With the game shipping in a couple weeks, I don’t want to ruin my experience with the full game by playing through snippets of some of the levels. Yeah, and I never read the back page of novels either. :P

I’m still playing with the demo, but I’m really enjoying the guard AI. I like how they investigate things with greater or lesser urgency, and how you can distract or lure them with coins & knocking over bottles. You also can effectively get away by breaking contact, which helps. I had a classic moment where I was hiding in a dark room from some guards, and knocekd over a bottle I couldn’t see without light. They came to investigate, of course. I really dig Santa’s mechanized myna bird.

The character development system is interesting, too. I bumped up my stealth a couple of notches, and my footsteps were definitely quieter.

Someone told me the Kitty Proximity Mine is hidden somewhere in the demo. Anyone find it?

Please dont shoot the bird.

In the Japan level, you’ll notice a trench alongside some houses. Explore the trench, grasshopper.

As ever,

Loyd Case

I’m defiinitely hooked on this.

I’m also very intrigued by how they designed a co-op game that follows the story, but is separate from the main storyline. Definitely looking forward to this one.


Loyd Case

Someone told me the Kitty Proximity Mine is hidden somewhere in the demo. Anyone find it?

There’s another one (besides the one Loyd mentioned) in the sub pen right at the beginning of the underwater base. Swim to the bottom of of the sub pool on the side away from the control center, you should see a package with the kitty on the floor of the pool.

No monkey, though. I’m sure the developers will work him in somehow. :)

One at the Siberian level in one of the truck beds too.

As a confirmed NOLF 1 lover this is more of the same with a ton of polish. They have made so many improvements to the interface. Picking out lockpicks and weapons now is a breeze.

Best demo I have played in a long time. The graphics engine of NOLF 2 is absolutely amazing. Makes the cartoon graphics engine of UT2003 look positively amateurish.

Plus look at the character models. Full facial expressions, eyes that move, and even the clothing moves on characters bodies.

When is NOLF 2 being released ? This is going to be a huge game !

It’s supposed to ship October 3rd.

I’ve been looking forward to this one for a long time. I’m pretty sure I told you all the sequel would be great, but most of you didn’t listen. :-)

Mmmmm…phenomenal demo, phenomenal predecessor. Should be phenomenal.

it’s phenomelicious.

Much better handling of the shoddy stealth mechanics we saw in the first game. And thank jebus I don’t have to listen to that FUCKING alarm going off for the entire level.

The stealth mechanics are so good, it is kind of boring to just Rambo through it. I’m wondering if there will ever be a time it is worth just tranqulizing someone instead of killing them. The tranqs wear off, but the crossbow bolts or the .32 ammo don’t. I also learned accidentally that you can shoot fire extinguishers and stun people in the cloud.

I found one of the kitties, thanks guys.

The dialogue remains on its previous high level. On the Russian level, I had not moved a body yet when another guard found it. As I watched, he kicked the body to wake it, then stood up straight and started eulogizing him, “You were a brave man…”