Ant-Man and The Wasp (Pez candy is delicious you monsters)

But now you need a palate cleanser for that chalky Pez taste.

This was a cute movie, and one that you can bring well-behaved children too. My wife and I got a kick out of hearing one kid a row behind us occasionally spouting things like “ooh, he’s tiny now!”

Took the boy to see it this morning. Fun little movie, good sequel to the first movie. Felt maybe a little underwhelming after the spectacle that was IW, but I knew that going in and set expectations accordingly.

The power went out in our theater during the credits! After the first scene, but before the one at the end. Guess I’ll have to see it again…

You saw the important extra scene. You can safely read a spoiler (without having to go see it again) of the one at the very end. It’s more a humor thing.

I’ll say I was disappointed by the supposed “mind blowing ending” that was hyped because I expected it to be exactly what it turned out to be.

Watched this yesterday. Enjoyed it, but it’s very much a “fun and forgettable” movie. Slapstick humor that is only rarely laugh out loud funny. Best characters, IMO, are Lang ex-con friends (“truth serum”) and the scenes with Cassie. The rest feels very formulaic. albeit with a few nice moments. I think it suffers for me in coming out right after Deadpool 2, though. Definitely an OK popcorn flick.

A solid, fun middle of the road Marvel movie. That’s not a complaint. Watching them hit all of the right beats on action, humor, and drama is something DC and Warner Bros should study hard.

Such a fun movie, even better than the first.

This movie was awesome fun. It’s so much better than Ant-man 1. The two aren’t even in the same league. They’re doing a great job giving him his own space in the MCU. And of all the ones that have familly, like links outside heroes, I think this is a top for those relationships, especially the dad stuff.

I laughed out loud a lot. I did not even recognize Michelle Pfeiffer.

Post credit scene was no surprise, but sure as Hell inconsistent with the tone of the movie…

This was fun.

A few rocky parts in the middle. Mostly the Scott/Hope relationship, which never felt remotely real. I guess it’s fitting that a movie about treating giant objects as if they were toys and vice versa feels like it was written by 11-year old boys: you can practically hear the writers saying, “Girl germs, ick!” about covering the relationship and eventually distancing themselves from it by putting most of it into a jokey monologue. Which is too bad, because the MCU could use a well-written superhero couple.

But the big finale was a blast, with a ton of delightful nonsense like water bears and Bullit shout-outs and of course the Pez dispenser. It was a pleasure to see a superhero movie that just wanted to entertain after the kinda dreary manufactured earnestness that was Infinity War I.

Well, at least until the post credits sequence, which did kill the mood.

That wasn’t my main problem with the sequence, though. I really wanted to see Ant-man play a major role in Infinity War II, but that’s because I wanted to see Scott and Tony figure out a way to heist the time gem from Thanos. What I don’t want to see is a bunch of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey handwaving about the Quantum Realm, because it’s so poorly defined. There’s enough in Infinity War I to resolve Infinity War II without opening additional loopholes.

The whole time I thought Michelle Pfeiffer was Rene Russo. I didn’t learn the turn until her name was next to her miniature in the diorama.

I enjoyed it. Thought it was just as good as the first one. Tho the credit scenes left the world feeling a bit more empty than 1/2 empty.

I thought the same thing, but then if you look at the luck that family’s had over the years. . . .

It wasn’t that - it was that the world looked more than 1/2 empty. With the ‘technical trouble’ screen on the TV, and no traffic, and everything - it just seemed like a lot more than 1/2 of the people (at least in San Fran) turned to ash.

Clearly, ants weren’t included in Thanos’ Death Wish.

Trust me, if half of the population suddenly turned to ash, social structure and infrastructure would break down almost immediately.

We finally saw this over the weekend and I would agree with most of what I read here. It is a good light hearted comedy action piece, and after Infinity War it was easy to enjoy.

The ending (cut scene) was kind of sad but it also perhaps offers an answer to the end of Infinity War. When it happened on screen I did kind of let out an audible “oh shit” that was louder than I meant it to be.

I actually wonder if we are over thinking this and ghost is just go to phase through Thanos and grab the gauntlet. That would solve all the quantum realm stuff.

I don’t think she can do that anymore.