Any coffee dorks?

You’ve arrived, McCullough!

I love Turkish - or Arabian - coffee. Worst part of being in the touristy countries like egypt is that when you ask for coffee, they’ll try to make Western coffee from really old french automated coffee makers and you have to make a point of asking for the stuff they’re drinking… but without the four lumps of sugar.

At home I have a espresso maker with a built in dripper that also takes standarized pods. I use the dripper fir my parents or father in law… who really have no taste for coffee. I grind my own beans in the weekend and use pods on workdays - pods made from quality coffee aren’t any worse than ready grinded espresso coffee, and you do get to have a selection of different sorts lying around. The stuff I grind myself is the best - but unlike Tom I don’t live alone and work from home, so sometimes I have to compromise for time.

No offense to you skedastic, but the scholars at Reader’s Digest are complete fuckwits if they think either Las Vegas or Houston has cleaner air than Sacramento. Sacramento has some of the cleanest air I’ve ever lived in for any period of time, and Las Vegas is just about the dirtiest air in the US that I know of. It’s in a fucking bowl of a valley for Christ’s sake. If there’s no wind, you’re sucking weeks worth of car pollution super-heated by sunny side up asphalt.

I don’t know about that. Tom Chick approved of fire’s coffee.

fire makes damn good coffee. Anyone who says otherwise is dumb.

Hey, I’ve never tasted the coffee. Might be the greatest motherfucking coffee in the world [channeling Pulp Fiction]. All I’m saying is, the coffee nuts I’ve spoken with have said that percolating coffee is bad.

Percolating coffee is bad. But Fire’s using the pride of Italy, the Bialetti Moka Express, not a percolator.

I find it humorous that so much debate is going on about the demerits of percolating coffee, as a direct result of fire’s post, irregardless of the fact that it was pointed out long ago that fire isn’t actually using a percolator.

It’s like you guys see a picture of what kinda looks like a percolator and then feel the need to immediately post “PERCOLATION=BAD” in order to maintain the appearance of bona fide coffee snobbery.

This makes me hate you.

Yeah, I had one of these before I could afford a 15 bar espresso machine - they get the job done and certainly beats drip coffee.

Huh? She posts, “It’s called a percolator,” followed by a description of the percolating coffee pot that she uses. And then, per the wikipedia source given below by someone else that is trying to play your gotcha game, the particular coffee maker she uses is in fact a percolator.

“The most common type of percolator used today (other than the electric gravity type percolator used in most American households) is known as an espresso coffee pot or, in some regions, especially Italy, as a Moka or Moka pot. In Italy, Spain and Portugal, the moka pot is the most popular way of brewing coffee at home, and its usage has spread to the USA. They are also known as a macchinetta or little machine.”

Damn me, damn me all to hell for trying to be such a coffee snob. When I said I really don’t know much about coffee, but have heard that percolators are bad. After someone posted that they use a percolator. Ah, I think I will now go and discuss foreign films while reading Sartre.

The leghumping is strong with this thread.

Lower temperature == lower vapour pressure.

There’s a discrepancy on Wikipedia, then, because you are looking at the page about “percolation”, and on the page about the Moka Express, it says this:

Jake Plane says thank you, BTW. Oh wait, you said this thread…

Difference here is, Jake’s a man, baby.

Besides, internet leghumping generally involves trying to be all coy and cool about it, generally while savaging someone else who attacked someone. I make no bones about it; Jake’s a bright dude, and I’m often interested in what he has to say. While I think Huzardaddi is a moron, my calling him that has nothing to do with him attacking Jake or anything.

Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake.

Anywho, I have no intention of stalking Jake, so you can all calm down.

So is cindysue22, Big Guy.

The problem seems to be that in America, what we call a percolator is what the wiki article calls a “gravity type” percolator. I have never, in this country or Italy, heard a moka pot called a “pressure type” percolator, or even just a percolator.

So to be clear, gravity type percolators suck ass. Pressure type percolators, if anybody in the fucking universe besides the dude that wrote the wiki article actually calls moka pots that, don’t.

Oh, and what the hell is leghumping?

I’m sorry SlyFrog. I meant no offense and upon rereading what I previously said I was probably too easily taken for being harsh instead of humorous, what with breaking out the “irregardless” and all. My main goal was pointing out the irony that the thread was getting derailed into a discussion about the evils of percolation, based on a machine that isn’t actually a percolator.

I agree that percolation is good at producing a bitter brown burnt but caffenated liquid yet horrible at making coffee. I’m a French Press person myself, although that Silvia machine Tom linked looks pretty hot.

Well, now I feel like a dick. I get the point now, and want to try some Moka generated coffee at some point.

I read, though, that it does not produce any crema (Kunikos noted that as well). Is that true?

I have lost my taste for espresso and replaced it with my taste for high quality coffee done simply in a french press.