Any help for repentant graphics whore?

Same, and if I can’t get decent AA then I’ll spend far too long fucking around with Nvidia Inspector flags to get it! I can’t stand jaggies.

A few questions out of curiosity:

  • When you say graphics, do you mean style and/or pixel pushing muscle? It sounds like the latter if you’re talking VGA, HDR, bloom, AA, monitors and graphics cards. I like all that stuff to be maxed out myself, but it’s not something I’d play a game for.
  • What’s the ‘worst’ looking game you’ve played and loved in recent years?
  • If you’re a self-confessed graphics whore, does that mean you only ever play cutting edge AAA 3D games?
  • If so, are you averse to 2D games?
  • And if not, what’s a great looking 2D game to you?

A good thread to swing by is: Favorite Art Style/Visuals in Games which is a treasure trove of beautiful looking games. I’ve got a pretty broad visual palette, erring more on the side of style than technical muscle, but I’m sure you can find something on there that hits a sweet spot between the two.

Going back to my first post though, I’ve found that eventually your eyes ‘click’ or adjust to the age and/or style of the game you’re playing and that’s when you can engage and enjoy it on its own terms rather than in stark contrast to modern AAA behemoths. That, or immersion just melts your hang-ups away.

I acknowledge that Anachronox looks old, but I was still able to appreciate the craft that went into creating its world and characters, as well as the sterling camera work and its surprisingly effective early stabs at facial expressions. It had a very particular sense of style that is easy to overlook if you’re counting the polys!