Anyone have dark spot "floaties" in their eyes?

That’s right, I think we may have discussed it in another thread! Most of the markers don’t seem familiar with myself or my siblings, aside from the retina and aorta issues they had. Discussed genetic testing with my doctor, but there’s issues with insurance covering it, so we opted for a battery of other tests looking for problems which thankfully are coming back looking OK right now.

Not necessarily, floaters can happen just due to normal processes, the whole “getting older” thing. But I certainly agree it’s worth getting your eyes checked, that’s never a bad idea.

Yep, I’ve had my eyes checked thoroughly with all the gadgets and everything is fine, except for floaters and light astigmatism.

Fair point. It might turn out to be nothing to worry about.

The main point I wanted to make is that you shouldn’t simply go “It’s part of getting older” and forget about them. You should get them checked. Because when they are problematic, they can cause serious issues.

Yeah, that’s a good point. You should get your eyes checked regularly.

I have to get mine checked every 1.5 years or so, and so far the floaters haven’t been an indication of anything serious, but you never know. Better safe.

Yeah according to my eye doctor, floaters are usually the goop around the eye drying here and there as we get older, and usually nothing serious.

But yeah, get your eyes checked regularly if you can swing it.

Indeed. What happens according to those doctors I saw is that, as the goop dries, it recedes. And as it recedes, it can break and drag bits of the retina. If the break is clean, usually no problem. But if there is anything still clinging to the retina, that’s where you can get retinal detachment.

Doc: “You can take tylenol for the pain”
You: “Doesn’t that fuck with my liver?”
Doc: “Yeah”
You: “…”
Doc: “Look, you just have to decide which you prefer - your liver or not having pain”

I have to be aware of floaters due to my retinal detachment, but what my surgeon and eye doctor always told me is that floaters are normal and typically not a concern. When they are a concern is when you have a sudden influx of floaters, that’s often a sign of a detachment as blood or other stuff can leak into the vitreous. That’s my cue to getting it checked out, anyway.

Sure man, didn’t mean to drag the topic away from actual problem floaters vs. the regular bullshit of aging.

Floaters are a normal thing, but super annoying. One thing about vision issues is that explaining vision symptoms can be a huge pain in the ass.

I have them, but rarely notice them thanks to my brain filtering them out. I need a very bright light against a white background to have much of a chance. If you have very bad eyesight like me (-9) it makes them much easier to see unfortunately.

Probably not a problem, but as everyone pointed out it can be an early warning sign of a detaching retina so definitely go get it checked out.

I have my eyes checked regularly, and in fact, the latest checkup had my eye doctor refer me to a retina specialist for closer examination. My retinas as still well attached. Yay! But I was told that if I see lots of spots falling in my vision, that is likely a retinal detachment in progress and I should immediately get to an ER.