Anyone still have FF3 DS?

I’m trying to go through the MogNet quests in FF3, but that requires that you have someone else with the game and a Friend code so you can send them seven letters.

Is anyone willing to help me out with this? You can either reply here with your FF3 Friend code or just PM me.

Thanks. (Stupid Friend letter requirements.)

I have it but, but it’s sat unwrapped for a few months now. Can I help you without spending a heap of time on actually progressing in the game or is this something I’d need to grind out levels to do?

You have to get past the prologue part (which is about an hour or so of work), so you can use the MogNet post office thing, but no, it’s not all that bad.

It unlocks once you have the first set of Jobs.

I’ve got it at work, so I’ll have to get you the code on Monday, but sure I’ll help out.

I’m fooling around with the prologue. I’ll post a friend code when I’m far enough to access MogNet.

Cool. You’ll know you have access to it when you enter a town and a Moogle is standing there. You walk up to them.

My Friend Code is 2449-9656-4312.

Game on. I finished up the intro and I’m standing in front of my Moogle pal.


I’ve got your code in, but it looks like it’s waiting for you to log in again to reciprocate.

To unlock the quest lines, you have to send 7 letters over WFC. You can only send one message per hour.

Message sent. Should be good to go now. I’ll just check back every hour or so and keep on sending them.

Yup; looks good.

Send messages to Topapa while you’re sending messages to me; I believe that once you have sent me seven messages, Topapa will begin sending additional messages and will inform you about something happening that you should come see; that’s the indicator that you’ve unlocked the Onion Knight quest.