Apex Legends - battle royale in the Titanfall universe

After Level 100 there’s no way to get crafting shards either?

AFAIK when you hit 100 that’s it, you get nothing else.

I like to drop in slightly hot. If I can hit somewhere with only one or two other squads, that is what I enjoy. An early firefight and some decent gear, and then the creeping towards the middle is a enjoyable match for me.

Dropping in somewhere with 3+ squads is just too much chaos for me, and I’m not good enough to live very long most of the time.

I agree with the hot dropping. I’d rather get wiped and go back in again. Artilary is a fav spot of mine. For whatever reason nobody goes straight for the line of 4 supply pods. I land down there and run down the line. You will be stocked up nicely every time.

And I like landing at the town sw of artilary depending on the flight path. You can loot a squad and then saunter up to Artilary to clean up the remaining players.

I’d like dropping on the ship a lot more if you could get your teammates’ banners after they died. Until they make the boxes travel with the ship or at the very least drop to the ground after falling off, I’ll avoid it.

death boxes being tangible and blocking paths and death boxes having no gravity to them are both very odd design choices to me. The first has blocked me into corners when successfully killing people and the second makes retrieving banners rough to impossible.

I had a guy get revived and fall through the geometry last night. That was the first time I saw that particular bug. I was in spectator mode at the time. He died again I think from being in the geometry and when he was revived again he was ok and back in the game.

I haven’t seen weird death box issues yet, though. I do really enjoy seeing a room filled with them, though. :D

The biggest issue is blocking doors, but once you learn that you can beat the crap out of doors it’s less of an issue. The most annoying thing to me is the damn gas traps. I seriously hate playing with Caustic on my team.

His traps definitely work as advertised though. They give people enough pause to allow him and his squad to get the jump on you if used correctly.

The best thing about dropping into a hot zone, is just how totally insane and hilarious those fights are. You almost always end up getting to the point where you have some guy just bouncing around trying to punch and kick someone who is trying to fight them off with something like a Mozambique.

We dropped into the water treatment facility last night and had a fight where at the end, one of the rooms had just a mountain of deathboxes.

That’s the best. It’s like going shopping.

I’m assuming the guy punching always massacres the dude with the Mozambique. ;-)

At one point I’m opening up a box and saying, “Man, this box sucks, it’s got two stocks and a scope, no gun, and some energy ammo… Oh wait… this was MY box. That’s why I died.”

It’s also hillarious when someone dies and they leave no box at all, because they had literally nothing.

The pro move is to shoot the mozambique 3 times, then go to punching, rather than spending the 5 minutes it takes to reload the mozambique.

Grey boxes reek of epic fail.

I have decent luck in early fights with the Mozambique, but I discard it quickly.

I got into a fistfight with a Pathfinder in the one match. He realized he wasn’t going to win and tried to zipline away. I jump punched him in the leg as he was flying away. I was quite amused.

In another match I was teamed with one guy who knew what he was doing and a total noob. I knocked one guy and then got shot in the back. My one teammate is running around giving instructions and trying to survive. Guy number three is sitting in a corner with a pistol not moving an inch. The terror was real for that person. :)

Apex Legends is set to include double jumping, wall-running, and the giant mech suits known as Titans from Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall series. A new update for Apex Legends went live earlier this morning and allowed dataminers to sift through its code to uncover where the game is headed, and it appears Apex Legends will soon be much closer to the franchise that spawned it.

-screams like a little girl-

Wonder if they ever give in and offer Everyman for himself standard BR option. I know the classes aren’t designed for that but I bet allot would still play it.

I like dropping into hotzones, as sadly most of my kills are from punching people to death in that first 30sec frenzy.

I’m still not good at this game.

I just had an awesome start to a game where I could not find any guns so I rounded up grenades, took out the second of a team with said nades after my teammates killed the other two and then punched the dude into box mode. :)