Apex Legends - battle royale in the Titanfall universe

I realized that some of my initial frustration with this game was trying to play on console. For the life of me I cannot get my controller settings dialed in correctly. At best I tolerate controllers for FPS games and can kind of hold my own in something like COD but in Apex I haven’t found that sweet spot yet and just struggle in misery.

On PC I do fine but just trying again on Xbox I was even struggling to pick up items quickly while running past them.

This is the game from last night. It’s about 10 minutes. I’m still amazed we won.

Nice, the only time I’ve seen that screen is the couple times we’ve come in second.

Thanks. I do like to go back and watch my replays in the wins to see what I could do better. I’m way too slow in the Deathbox menu. The kids always rip me for that. It cost me at the end there but I was fortunate that was the last guy and my team won the match. I also ADSed in close when we came up the zipline and while it worked, it wasn’t necessary. That’s a bad CoD habit I have to break in Apex. Finally, I forgot to use my L1 robo healer when we were all healing up and I used the Phoenix Kit. I should’ve done both.

The Pathfinder throwing that zipline out was cool. When they started shooting at the guys off to the left below us on the cliff I knew that other squad was going to come for us and try to pinch. When I went back and saw the enemy Pathfinder on the zipline and shot holes in him, I didn’t even realize til the replay that he had thrown his own zipline out there to traverse. I thought they’d just use ours.

Gnax89 is the Apex Legend we all need, though. Grabbing the banners and bugging out was the exact right thing to do there. Fortunately for us the other two squads got into it when Gnax89 left so the escape was made. Revival and me and our Pathfinder coming up with some decent guns made the win possible.

That’s another thing I didn’t notice in the heat of the moment… three supply drops right there in the last ring. Oof…

Replays are super useful. I highly recommend watching them if you have the means to take them. I realize on PC you’ve got to DIY it. Playing on PlayStation makes it super easy. Share button and then Square will save the last fifteen minutes (or whatever you’ve got the recording length set to… you can shorten it).

It wasn’t all bad. I was especially pleased at my weapon switching instead of reloading in the heat of the fights. I didn’t think I had that in me and never really thought about it which is good. The other thing was when I ducked back down the hole briefly when the grenade landed at my feet and then caught the zipline on the way down and zipped back up right into the open door to get my second kill with the punch out. I actually look like I know what I’m doing there. LOL!

Holy cow, being a PC player and watching the console players is eye opening. I would have been face melted so fast in those situations on the PC.

(Not an insult to Dave’s play, just the nature of the controller v kb&m)

There’s a lot less bunny hopping on consoles too, which imo is a good thing.

Are PC players and console players playing on the same servers?

Nah. It’s not really feasible to balance M+K against controllers in this kind of shooter.

Either works fine, but everyone needs to be using the same thing, otherwise the precision difference gives M+K users a massive advantage.

Yes, it’s a different game. That said, I have played with a controller on PC and done very well. It’s not that wide a gap tbh. I wouldn’t say I prefer the controller, but I would say I have less chance of getting motion sickness these days if I use that over the mouse and keyboard. I’ve really been struggling with that. Battlefield V with mouse and keyboard made me want to hurl. I think I pinned that down to motion blur, though.

I definitely get into comfy couch mode with this game. It’s nice to play it on the Pro. I have gotten a LOT more wins in a shorter amount of time than I would get in Fortnite, too. I think the communication aspects of Apex Legends without a headset make a massive difference in how you play as a team. Those dudes in the video are random guys. I will probably never play with them again. We played as a team the entire match very well. Not one word was spoken.

Makes sense, thanks. I can’t imagine ever playing a shooter with a controller (tried with the original Halo and never tried again) so I was curious if they somehow had found a way to make it comparable enough to play together. Guess not - the ‘solution’ is to partition the playerbase.

I believe a few games are moving to cross-platform. Fortnite is cross-platform i think?

Fortnite throws phone, console, PC, and Switch (with motion control aiming) into the same games, if I remember correctly.

Fortnite’s overall shooter mechanics are so weak that it probably doesn’t matter.

I was just going to say, it’s technically a shooter, but not in the same way as Overwatch, CS, CoD, Apex, etc.

It’s an averages thing. Make no mistake a good controller user will beat an average m+k player, but on average a typical k+m player beats the typical controller user.

Going back to pubg after playing this a ton is super jarring. You realize how fn clunky that game is. The vaulting, picking stuff up etc. I kept on wanting to slide on my knees down hills… I think it might have broken that game for me. 2k hours is probably a good cutoff lol.

As for Apex I think i have like 50 hours and I’m starting to feel decent at it. My biggest problem is just being fluid and smart with my movement. Streamers like Shroud make it look so easy.

Some people have wayyyyy more free time than me apparently.

Sooo, if you’re in a team of three and you get downed and your banner times out, so you’re dead dead and you leave the game but then your remaining teammates go on and win the game… what happens?

Do you get a win? Or do you have to stick around and spectate the whole round to get the win? Or are you just out and whatever happens doesn’t matter any more?

I have to imagine game state is only tracked for you while you’re still connected.