Apple Arcade

Ha, I love John, but I don’t listen to him on games at all. All the talk of Journey and Destiny, meh. I am really surprised he isn’t a strategy gamer. I would have thought he would have went nuts over a EUIV or something. Of course he would bitch nonstop about it.

Hows Mini Motorways? By the maker of Mini Metro, which I adore.

Overland looks good too.

(I would find out myself, but I am waiting to start the free subscription until Catalina is at least in sight.)

I love Journey and Destiny though, so I usually at least sorta track with his gaming taste.

I’ve never played Mini Metro to compare, but I got to level 40 in the tutorial of Mini Motorways tonight. I liked it, but I’m not sure if it’s my style of game. Certainly seemed charmingly simple but complex, if that makes any sense.

Good! I found a weird bug with highway placement, but it was beneficial, not harmful. Definitely would be better on an iPad.

Are you guys using a PS4/XBox controller? Or that iPad only?

Believe that is in both ios13 and ipados

I played Sayonara WH with my Xbox One S controller with no trouble on my iPhone.

I played through all of Sayonara Wild Hearts once, and I liked it a lot, but “style over substance” is exactly how I’d describe it. It’s a great style, though. Fun, distinctive music. Crazy motorcycle dance battles. So-so endless-running and rhythm gaming. I expected a little more of Simogo, but I’m still pretty happy with what I got.

Sayonara is just brilliantly directed. It’s not my preferred genre of game, but it does appeal to the F-Zero player in me a lot. And the level where you fight the three opponents was quite compelling with its additions to the mechanics.

Chi Chu Rocket’s getting the bulk of my playtime though.

Idiots who did Oceanhorn didn’t include invert joystick. In 2019. Dumdums.

Cardpocalypse is great. Pinball Wizard has potential. Did not like What the Golf in my play, tho folks have been raving about it.

Didn’t think cardocalypse was out yet. You mean card of darkness?

Hmm, looks like it is time limited exclusive on epic for pc, so I mistakenly thought it was coming later after seeing it on steam

Assemble With Care seems really well done so far - it’s from the Monument Valley guys. You manipulate 3d objects to repair them (all vintage stuff so far like cassette players) and has a charming frame story around it. Well acted too.

Over the Alps looks interesting. Anybody play? My issue with most of these is that I’d rather play them on my iPad or TV. Will the AppleTV update allow PS4 controllers to connect?

It’s never bad to be a first mover on a new platform. The question is always about how things scale.

I bet if you make some time today, you can get your email down to 203,000.

@Clay I’ve just started. Thanks for the recommendation; I hadn’t noticed it. iPad Pro out to a monitor with a controller will be my console of choice unless the games perform better on Mac, but I doubt they will.

The beauty of Gmail is I never even see 99% of the stuff that is sent to me. With the prioritized boxes I only open the shit that matters.

Yes, PS4/Xbox controller support coming to iPad and Apple TV with the update next week.

Is it only those two controllers, are other Bluetooth gamepads likely to be supported?

I have been trying to figure this out and can’t find any info. Interestingly, the iOS 13 website mentions PS4 or Xbox controllers only, but doesn’t specify what version of Xbox unlike the PlayStation. So my guess is unless it was made for iOS or one of those two, it won’t work.

No, it probably means the BT-capable Xbox One controllers as the v1.0 ones did not have BT. The v1.0 Xbox One Elite doesn’t have BT for example.