Ar Tonelico 2

Ar Tonelico 2? Should be Double Entendrico 2… Still, amusing sprite-based JRPG fun. This time with a somewhat annoying timing-based defense mechanism in combat, but generally pretty snappy gameplay.

So there’s these girl singers, reyvateils, see, and they have magic powers. They partner with fighter-guardians in combat. And they’ll die if they don’t get their life-extension meds every 3 months. The partners insert the crystals into the reyvateils’ bodies. Hence such inspired dialogue as:

“OK, now stick it in!”
“Be careful, stick it in slowly!”
“Please put it inside me.”
“Ow, that hurts!”

And then of course in combat, they are casting all these superpowered magic effects, and they have, well, climactic effects on combat:

“Oh god, here it comes!”
“It feels so good!”
“It’s so powerful!”
“It’s coming!”

And in order to unlock their magic powers, the reyvateils need to have their various neuroses and inner conflicts cleared by having their partners “dive” into their psyches:

“I want you to come inside me.”
“Please dive into me.”
“Don’t do anything perverted when you’re inside me.”

Well, anyway, despite all that, it’s not that bad…

That is disturbing to the point of making me want to go out and buy it.

Hang on, there’s a first one? Of course there is if this is Ar Tonelico 2. Is this the good kind of bizarre out-of-context game like Persona 3 (“shoot yourself in the head for magical powers!”) or just really uncomfortable to play with anyone else sitting in the room?

Oxymoron alert.