Archos Stupid Home Electronics Tricks

I have an Archos Jukebox Studio 10 for which I have lost the AC adaptor. I am trying to figure out its voltage and current so that I can replace it. Does anyone have one of these suckers, and if so, could you tell me said voltage and current?

Why they didn’t print this on the stupid thing near the power plug is beyond me, but then, I’m not a bigshot home electronics CEO.

I’ve got an Archos Jukebox (the original 6gb one), which I think uses the same power supply.

Mine is 9VDC 600mA output with the + current


Thank you!

I was in radio shack the other day and I noticed they carry a wide variety of replacement power converters.

Also…if I remember correctly, it’s safe to get a higher current rating than the device uses although the voltage has to be the same.

Depends on how high-quality the parts inside the box are. I’ve blown a handful of guitar pedals before by accidentally plugging in a wallwart that’s got a 100ma more, but it kills it. Consumer electronics are more protected, I’d imagine, but still.

My 20 Gig Recorder has the same 9V DC, 600 mA adaptor. I just got my Jukebox this morning.

And have already had it lock up once, playing the same 30 seconds of music over and over again until I opened it up and took the batteries out, because there’s no %#$! reset button. Are you guys using the original firmware, or Rockbox? I think I’m going to switch to Rockbox, since I’d like to be able to have my whole CD collection in one playlist, and that’s well over 999 songs. Maybe it’ll be better behaved than the built-in Archos OS.


I’m running the Archos firmware, version 5.07a (not sure if that’s the latest or not). I’ve had the Archos lock up on me 2 or 3 times in the 3 years or so that I’ve owned it (and we use it pretty frequently).

If you want all the songs on the player on a playlist, well, you really don’t need a playlist unless you need/want them in a specific order. Just hit play (in shuffle order) from the root directory and it’ll work through them all.
