I’m not boycotting it, but I’m also kind of avoiding it all the same because it makes me sad. I also don’t have a tv so I can’t really watch it anyway, and I’m going to be too busy playing Mafia/BF1942/Legion. And I gotta give the company some of my time too.
I do not feel like wading through the avalanche to get to the 2% of the coverage that is actually genuine. I do not need to see what celebreties were/ are thinking. I do not need newscasters looking somber all day long. I prefer not to listen to any of it today. I have seen specials on HBO, A&E, the History channel, et.al. throughout the past year and probably will into the next. The glut today is too much and, frankly, irritating.
Yep. I’m boycotting it. I’m intentionally avoiding it. The Washington Post is full of remembrance stuff, I got a “Special New York Times” today and the Newshour has been running 9/11 features for two weeks now. Call me cold-hearted and unpatriotic, but I think I’m full.
I heard something last week (either from David Brooks or Moby - I forget) that really struck home. We are honoring a single day when the real thing to remember is the national response in the days afterward. 9/11 seems like only yesterday in DC because the local news has been all over the terrorist threat. Still, it also seems like years ago because the country has only half finished a war in Central Asia and the West Nile virus has become this summer’s shark attacks. And Kelly Clarkson is singing at the Lincoln Memorial.
So I’ll wait for the new TV season and enjoy college football.
To tell the truth… I DON’T CARE!! Yes, it was a horrible event but the world can be cruel and evil.
Oh… I wish Bush would get off the God kick… cause let’s be real… God doesn’t exist! We are an advanced soociety but yet we put all our hopes in an imaginary figure. What’s next? I guess we’ll worship the easter bunny :oops:
Your born->You live->You black out->and you die :shock:
I’m ignoring all of America today. Bunch of fuckers. This country is being run into the ground by a group of corrupt politicians and the dumb-fuck people of America are allowing it.
I’d say ‘to hell with this country,’ but I’d be afraid that Bush’s Secret Police Force Ultra-Super Commando-l337’s would come and arrest me. Oh, wait, shit.
Edit: Since I can’t say to hell with this country, I’ll say to hell with New York. I’m tired of their greedy, me me me attitude. Fuck 'em. The act’s getting old. Life moves on. Big deal.
We have had wall-to-wall coverage of the 9/11 events this week. I am not going to form an opinion one way or the other since I am an Australian and I think it is bad form to comment on this particular incident.
Suffice to say the 9/11 terrorist act is still as shocking to me today as it was 12 months ago when I woke up and watched the TV on the morning of the 12th Sept 2001.
No Sean, go right ahead. Personally I’d LIKE to see the international take on this. I mean, if this had happened in Aus, then Americans would be pretty passe on the whole affair… “Oh, yeah, that kinda sucked. What pisses me off is that they’re pre-empting the baseball game to show reruns of that jet crashing into Melbourne again…” or something like that. Basically, if it doesn’t happen here then the collective herd of American sheep don’t really have an attention span for it. Of course, we don’t have much attention span for our own country’s actions on foreign soil either - hence 99% of the populace can’t tell you why we were even IN Somalia or Bosnia back when, let alone connect the dots to the events of last year.
However, since it happened here in the USA, the whole world is shocked. Well, we sit and watch the news every night and not a day goes by without mention of “x number of people killed in county x, when suicide bomber…” and all we’ve really got to say about THAT terrorism is “boy, glad that doesn’t happen here.” One day it did, on a grand scale, and we act like we’re the only people with something to worry about. If the British or the Jews commemorated every terrorist attack with a moment of silence, they’d be mute nations.
Not saying that I’m not properly respectful of the lives that were lost - just that I think it’s a bit typical of the self-centered stereotype that America has earned itself. But hey, we’re a superpower and the most imporant country in the world… and if you don’t like it, we’ve got a couple of aircraft carriers that will discuss your improper attitude with you.
Here… Google is your friend in the war against terror…
I have only watched a one hour news special on the whole 9/11 incident this week and I have avoided watching the 2-3-4 hour 9/11 specials. There are only so many times I can stomach watching the disaster.
What has surprised me is that our media made a point that they wanted to take a low-key approach to the anniversary coverage and now it seems that all the local TV stations have been staging a massive war of oneupmanship and trying to out-do each other with the amount of coverage they can fit into 24 hours.
It does become a bit too much and tends to de-sensitize the viewer to the real human tragedy that is Sept 11.
I also find it rather obvious (from a foreigners viewpoint) that the American government is programming the US population for a war. You can see this in the sudden evidence of nuclear capability in Iraq and the last minute threat to the US government and its embassies.
Of course the US should and must be vigilant during this week but I can say that America will definitely be at war and fighting on the ground in Baghdad within the next four months regardless of the United Nations windbag comments. All the indicators are there.
Our own Prime Minister and his ministers have been following the same rhetoric here in Australia as it appears our armed forces will be one of the few allies America can count on when they attack Iraq.
The whole world was shocked not because it happened in the USA–though it helped, because the USA is media central–but because it involved the citizens of 83 countries. It’s yet another American myth that this was an American tragedy, and even the people that criticize the US response to September 11 don’t seem to get that.
Not to nitpick but since it was on our land and we lost about 200 times as many people as the next closest runner up I don’t think it’s too far gone to think it’s primiraly an american tragedy.
Also yes I"m staying well away from the coverage today I’m quite aware of the depth of the tragedy and I don’t need to hear somber looking anchor persons droning on about it all day.
Jeez, three airliners crash within 3 hours of each other in a coordinated effort and two monuments go down, while one gets dented badly. That would have been news even if it happened in Malaysia… or Canada. Terrorists have never accomplished anything half so bold and honest to god military attacks from sovereign nations have rarely been so frighteningly successful, or tragic.
It’s yet another American myth that this was an American tragedy
What myth? I’ve been hearing about dead foreigners all day. Their names were read aloud too. “American myth” forchirsakes.