ArmA 2 Hype

Haha, in the description for the latest Vehicle section, Fixed Wing Aircraft:

No military simulator is complete without a hangar full of planes for the gamer to fly around in!

A not-so-subtle dig at OFP2’s lack of flyable planes!

I am surprised with the sheer variety, planes included (9 of them!)

C130 and the Osprey? Nice. Makes me wonder what can be loaded into the 130, and if the osprey can be set up to lift a hmmv.

I’m curious if the game is going to support fast roping from the blackhawk and osprey? That was a drop off feature missing from arma.

Fast roping is always fun, pity that the vanilla game didn’t have it, and we had to wait until someone made it in an addon (and i think it’s not something trivial).

BTW, civ vehicle section is up. And a new subbed video

I suspect the lack of planes in OFP2 is a quite deliberate design decision. Fast jets bring with them all sorts of issues from a hardcore realism perspective.


krise madsen

Weapons and other mods for ArmA are great, but the fact is that it takes a lot of effort to integrate them. For instance, I have a weapons pack (Villa’s) that has a lot of great weapons, but I’d have to make my own missions and do a bunch of scripting in order to use them (or, put an ammo box with them in it at the spawn point). It’s not integrated into the game like a lot of games. So for instance, while playing Warfare, I can’t use any of the modded weapons . . . unless someone specifically creates a new version of Warfare to include the new weapons (I have no idea how to do this).

That screenshot of the AK sight doesn’t look promising for ArmA2. It’s the exact same model with some different textures. I bet they will keep all the jilting animations and such, too. Great, if you liked ArmA. But if ArmA2 doesn’t include something like Warfare and the hype is about the campaign. . .

My bullet point for OFP2 vs. ArmA2 goes like this:


Built in editor
Bigger mod community
Probably bigger feel . . . squads, vehicles, aircraft, etc.
Civilians present (at least in campaign … I’d love to see civvies in something like Warfare)


Probably better graphics, physics, and sound
Dynamic mission generation sounds interesting
Probably a better UI and interface

At first i also thought ArmA 2 is going to be the most realistic and “sim”, while Ofp2 is going to be the best of the two games in audio/video/production values, thanks to a higher budget from Codemaster, longer development cycle and a good engine (it’s based in the engine used in Grid, imo it is a pretty powerful engine). But then they began to show the videos and real screenshots and it was a bit underwhelming, meanwhile the last videos and screenshots from Arma II were excellent, rivalling Crysis.

Let’s compare:

In the end i think the most important thing is what game will have the best campaign, most people play to a game for the single player experience, it’s only if they liked that single player experience they will stick more time with the game becoming fans and trying later the multiplayerd, the mods, etc. But i don’t have any idea about what game will be better in this regard.
And also what game will be more polished (bugs, ctds, pathfinding problems, perfomance, etc).

Well, you can go buy both and let me know which is better! :)

I’d have to see the ArmA 2 screens in motion to believe they haven’t been photoshopped or messed with in game. In particular the lighting and depth of field look messed with.

There are all kinds of cinematic videos (not gameplay footage) and screens of ArmA (the first one) floating around that look really good, but they have never looked like that in my game, even with settings maxed. Especially because the animations and special effects don’t look that good in game.

How would they get the depth of field (blurred background) in this screenshot? I’ve never seen the background blur like this while flying in a helicopter in the game.

What about this one? I’ve never seen a bullet casing flying out of a gun in ArmA.

Well obviously I can’t prove it one way or the other, but BI always make a point of saying their screenshots are not edited in any way (save for adding the logo) and are direct captures in game. Particularly this gallery on the official site has an “In Game” stamp on each picture, which I believe is to reinforce that they aren’t edited.

However I might be wrong in saying that all screenshots they release aren’t edited, I’m not sure about that.

Hmm I’m not convinced there is “depth of field” per-se there as it’s nearly all smoke which you might expect to be blurry anyway… The small bit of ground I see doesn’t look particularly blurred.

I came to ArmA fairly late (so after it had been thoroughly patched / modded) so can’t be 100% on what it was like on release, but I can assure you there are definitely ejected casings from guns in ArmA. For example I just took this screenshot:

Bullet casing ejects by the right side of the weapons so yo can’t see them from fp view, and when it touchs the ground i think dissapears in two seconds. And what depth of field are you speaking of, i only see the background full of smoke! Well, Lh’owon already answered.

Of course i don’t have any conclusive proof that the game is going to look like the screenshots when it’s released, but for now it’s the only thing we have. It wouldn’t be strange if the best screenshots of ArmA 2 are in-game but taken with a special command that takes the shot at certain settings, higher than in normal gameplay, like high resolution (like 4000x3000), with AAx8 and AFx16, all in maximum detail. So surely they are ingame but we aren’t seeing the fps counter hitting the single digits with those settings :D :D.

The casings last longer than that by the way, they pile up quite nicely actually, but usually they’re fairly hard to see against the ground texture unless you’re looking for them.

If anyone is wanting to see what the game “really” looks like the Faction Videos are a pretty good place to start. Sure the camera angles and shots are chosen to look good (obviously) and it isn’t from the player’s perspective, but I’m almost certain they weren’t edited in any way (save for the NAPA one with the security camera filter and the various logos added, but these are obvious).

I stand corrected, then. I guess I’ve never seen them because I don’t see them eject. I do like that you can use “Freelook” to look down at your gun. No other game I can think of offhand does that. So, for instance, you can actually watch your avatar pull the trigger when you shoot a gun.

Is that first helicopter shot from OFP2? I can’t tell based on the filename. The bottom two do look like they have very little aliasing other than those bushes.

The first two shots are from Ofp2, the other two from ArmA 2. There are some better screenshots of the game, i have to say, but overall it shows the multiplatform development in PS3-360-PC, weak bland textures and aliasing, trying to be hidden with oversaturated lightining.

But whatever, i created this thread to talk about ArmA 2, only ArmA 2. I didn’t wanted just another round of internet gamers discussing Ofp 2 vs Arma 2.

Ah, thanks. That really does look like the GRID engine!

  1. Czech video here, skip to 10:00
    (streaming wmv, open it with IE better)

  2. I read in the forums that there will be a new trailer + more media around 20th April.

I’m quite excited for ArmA 2. The game looks to be exactly what I’ve been craving lately in a FPS. The visuals look excellent so far, I just hope that they are true to what things look like in actual gameplay.

I am just now playing Operation Flashpoint for the first time using Gametap. The first thing I did in the Resistance campaign was push someone halfway through the bus stop wall. I don’t think I’ve played a more fugly game.

I figure I’ll play until I get annoyed and this will appetize me for the sequels here.

The collision detection was awful in OFP.