Ascension - November 2/2 league

MrDannimal challenges:

Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)
sinnick (SelfMadeSinnick)
fuzzyslug (fuzzyslug)
prolix (unprolix)
Josemas (Josemas99)

I hope that’s not because of me. That game was crazy and you should totally forget it.

unprolix over Mr Swee

Josemas99 defeats Ouchthathurts 80-74.

Josemas99 defeats Pastose 94-72

It was! that game nearly broke me! I took a picture of the last turn because I could hardly see the screen through my tears of rage. Sadly I can’t post attachments here, so I’ll describe the horror; prolix’s last turn deployed Cetra, FHQ, Battery Monk, Dandelion Witch, Adayu, a Mystic, Sadranis, Master Dharta, Ascetic, Landtalker and a couple of others.


However I have bounced back with the help of sinnick.

Mr Swee defeats SelfMadeSinnick 84 to 66
Mr Swee defeats SelfMadeSinnick 72 to 64

Mr Swee defeats Justin Fletcher 81 to 67

Lord_Twilight > Fuzzyslug 72 - 61

I’ll definitely be getting some challenges out to folks in the next few days. You all feel free to send challenges my way or wait until I come for you, whichever is less painful.

pastose over josemas

sinnick over Dannimal 75 to 40
sinnick over aeneas 92 to 76

Mr Swee defeats Ananab Tilps 70 to 68.
Mr Swee defeats josemas99 146 to 84. Wat.

pastose defeats josemas

Mr Swee defeats fuzzyslug 70 to 60

pastose over soonanother

Ouch def mr swee
Dave under the champs at the top of page 1 can we put in a plug for new school?

Cheers Ouch

Tyjenks over harry horse 113-91
Tyjenks over Nixxter 92-78
Tyjenks over Lord Twilight 70-64
Tyjenks over Mr Swee 76-76. That one was a miracle. I think I may have actually scored one honor point on that last turn.
Tyjenks over soonanother 99-38. Crazy Lifebound machine/culling action. 70-6 in honor points. Crazy.

Just two more days for making challenges! I’ll post an update soon, and include the New School victory, Ouch. Thanks for reminding me!

Stay tuned for news about a possible Us vs. Them tournament, against Pocket Tactics.

Lord_Twilight > Ouch 57 to 56

Once again Ouch, you are my nemesis, nemesis challenge submitted.

ouch def mr swee
ouch def padingtun
ouch def justin fletcher